UP Pre Board paper 2023 Class 10th English full solutions
कक्षा 10वी अंग्रेजी यूपी प्री बोर्ड पेपर 2023 का सम्पूर्ण हल
नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका हमारी वेब साइट subhansh classes.com पर यदि आप गूगल पर up board pre exam paper 2023 सर्च कर रहे हैं तो आप बिलकुल सही जगह पर आ गए हैं हम आपको Class 10th English up pre board paper के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी देने वाले है इसलिए आप पोस्ट को पूरा जरूर पढ़ें यदि आपको पोस्ट पसन्द आए तो अपने दोस्तो को भी शेयर करें यदि आप कुछ पूछना चाहते हैं तो आप हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल Subhansh classes पर कॉमेंट करके ज़रूर बताइएगा।
Subject - English
Time - 3 Hrs [M.M.-70]
Note:-(1) Thisquestion paper in divided into two Sections-A and B.
(2) Sections-'A contains multiple choice questions. Candidates have to choose the correct option and write the answer in the answer in the OMR sheet.
(3) Section-'B' Contains descriptive answer type question.
(4) All Questions are Compulsory.
(5) Marks are indicated in against each questions.
(Section - A) 20 Marks
(Ques No. 1-8) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow choosing the correct option. 1x8=8
A few years ago, most people were happy using earphones to listen to music on their Discmans. However, both of these now see CDs on their pretty cumbersome gadgets to use while jogging, exercising or cycling.
Recently especially in big cities all this has changed. The tenchobatlle raging today is not between bulky cassette players and Discmans, any more. Now it is between light and tiny gadgets called iPods and MP3 players. One of the reasons for their popularity is the technology they are based on, which allows one to stare lots of songs on such small devices.
The main difference between iPods and MP3 players is the tencho-battle raging they use to compress audio files. Digital audio and video compression standards were formed by the moving pictures experts group (MPEG) MP3 is a part of this standard. Therefore what we popularly know MP3 is not actually a type of a file, but a technology know for compressing sound files into smaller ones.
Q-1. The techo-battle raging today is between- (Light and small gadgets, ipods and MP3 players.
(b) Dark and Small gadgets.
(c) Bulky cassette players and Discmans.
(d) Light and bulky gadgets.
Q-2. One of the reasons of the popularity of iPods and MP3 players is the technology they are based on which allow one to.
(a) Take these any where.
(b) Go on listening without any break
(c) Afford these at cheap rates.
(d) Store lots of songs on such small devices.
Q-3. The word used in the passage for 'hard to handle or mange because of size or weight' is-
(a) Ponderous
(c) Cumbersome
(b) Bunglesome
(d) Clumsy
Q-4. The chief guest, with his wife…..
(a) Has left
(b) Are leaving
(c) Have left (d) Left
Q-5. I have been waiting here forlong time-
(a) No article
(c) The
(d) An
Q-6. I usually study in the libary for an hour after class.
(a) Verb
(b) Adverb
(c) Adjective
(d) Noun
Q-7. Exercise/for/health/good/doing/is-
(a) Exercise doing is good for health.
(b) Doing exercise is good for health.
(c) For health is good exercise doing.
(d) Health is good for doing exercise.
Q-8. Choose the word wrongly spelt-
(a) Teaser (c) Tedious
(b) Teething (d) Tea to taller
(Ques No. 9 to 13) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
The fiercely independent people of coorg are possibly of Greek or Possbly or Arbic descent. As one story goes, a part of Alexander's army moved south along the coast and settled here when return became impractical. These people married amongst the locals and their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, which are distinct from the Hindu mainstrem. The theory of Arab origin draws, support form the long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt worn by the Kodavus known as Kuppia it resembles the kuffia hereby the Arabs and the Kurds.
Q-9. The people of coorg look-
(a) Very tall
(b) Independent
(c) Free
(d) Strong
Q-10. Their cultures is shown most clearly by their-
(a) marriage rituals
(b) dresses
(c) habits
(d) martial traditions, marriage, religious rites etc.
Q-11. What is so similar between the Kodavus and the Arabs-
(a) Their dress
(b) long cloak
(c) long black
(d) apron
Q-12. They are supposed to be the descendants of-
(a) soldiers
(b) Arabs
(c) Afghans
(d) Turkish people
Q-13. The word 'rites' means-
(a) acts
(c) works
(b) ceremonies
(d) deeds
(Ques No. 14 to 15) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
The smell of leaves and lichen still reaches likes a voice into the rooms. My head is full of whispers. Which tomorrow will be slient.
Q-14. Which smell is reaching the poest? It is..............
(a) of leaves
(b) of leaves and lichen
(c) of lichen
(d) of grass lichen
Q-15. The word 'lichen' means-
(a)Awhite beautiful flower
(b) Avalley flower
(c) A mountain flower
(d) all of the above
(Ques 16 to 20) Based on your understanding of the lesson in the book footprint without feet' choose the correct option to answer the following question.
Q-16. E bright graduted from-
(b) Harvard
(d) London
(c) Oxford
Q-17. Ramlal's eldest daughter was-
L(b) Rekha
(c) Sulekha
(d) Kamala
Q-18. Bhali was the daughter of-
(a) Collector Ramlal
(b) Tahsildar
(c) Inspector Ramlal
(d) Numdar Ramlal
Q-19. Ramlal's eldest daughter was ....
(b) Mangla
(c) Sulekha
(d) Bholi
Q-20. Bholi's father was…..
(a)a tehsildar
(b) a revenue officer
(c) an education
(d) a zamindar
Section 'B' 50 Marks
Q-21. Read the passage carefully and answer the question given below:
Good deeds may be done by anyone in any walk of life by the soldiers in battle field by the woman in the home, the nurse in the hospital the boy at school or the inventor in the laboratory. Such performance is the happiness both of the door and of those for whom it is done. The memory of a good deed inspire others to do like wise with their fellow mean:
(a) Where does the performance of a good deed lead to?
(b) What does the memory of a good deed do?
(c) Who may do good deeds?
Q.-22. Answer any one of the following.4
(a) Write an application to the principal of your college to grant you leave fro a week as you have been suffering from typhoid.
(b) Write an letter to your friend congratulation him on winning a scholarship in the board examination.
Q.-23. Answer any one of the following questions in about 80-100 words.6
(a) Write a descriptive paragraph on 'Nehru park' based enjoy basic of the given clues.
(b) Write a descriptive paragraph on 'An Indian Farmer' basic of the give clues:
Q-24. (a) Rewrite the following sentences by changing into Indirect speech.2
Anil said to his sister,"Please put these papers on my table".
(b) Change the following into passive voice
The hunter shot the tiger.
( c) Punctuate the following.2
i said to my father will you give me two hundred rupees as I wish to by a new dress.
(d) Translate the following into English.5
जून का महीना था। गर्मी अपने चरम पर थीं। सुबह से लेकर शाम तक गरम हवाएँ चलती थी। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति प्रायः जल्दी से जल्दी अपने दिन के काम समाप्त कर लेना चाहता था।
Ans.It was the month of June. Summer was at its peak. Hot winds used to blow from morning till evening. Everyone usually wanted to finish their day's work as soon as possible.
Q-25. Answer any of the following questions in about (30-40) words each.6
(a) What tells you that Anne loved her grand mother? Do you think Mr. Keesing was a strict teacher.
(b) Where is Coorg?
Where were Rajvir and Pranjai going and why?
Q-26. Answer the following in 60 words any one each.4
(a) How one can enjoy life in the region of Coorg?
(b) What did Buddha say about death and suffering?
Q-27. Write the central idea of any one of the following.3
(a) A tiger in the zoo
(b) Amanda
(c) Fog
Ans. Central idea of A tiger in the zoo
In this poem, 'A Tiger in the Zoo' the poet tries to depict the poor condition of a caged tiger. He contrasts and compares the life of a caged tiger with a tiger living in natural habitat i.e. a jungle. Through the poem, the poet tries to convey that wild animals should be allowed to live freely in their natural habitat. Freedom is loved by all living beings and not just by human beings. The life of captivity breeds rage, intolerance and stress.
Q-28. (a) Write four lines from any poem prescribed in your syllabus. (Do not copy the lines given in the question paper) 3
Ans..He stalks in his vivid stripes,
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage
What message does the poet want to convey through the peom 'Fire and Ice'?
Q-29. Answer any one of the following questions in about 30-40 words each.3
(a) "Anil was the most trusting person" explain?
(b) What was E bright's hobby in early child hood?
Q-30. Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words each.4
(a) Give a character sketch of Bholi?
(b) The course of Loisel's life changed due to the necklace?