Up board class 12th English paper full solutions 2023
कक्षा 12वी अंग्रेजी यूपी बोर्ड वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर का सम्पूर्ण हल 2023
RolNo… Printed Pages:4
Name...... 316 (ZZ)
Time: Three hours 15 minutes! Mox. Marks: 100
(i)First 15 minutes are allotted to the cundidates for reading the question paper.
(ii)This question paper is divided into four sections-A, B, C, and D.
(iii)All questions from all the sections are compulsory
(iv)Marks are indicated against each question
1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow
Whatever your task may be, goncentrate your whole mind upon it, throw into it all the energy of which you are capable. The faultless completion of small tasks leads inevitably to larger taska. See to it that you rise by steady climbing and you will never fall, And herein lies the secret of true power. Learn, by constant practice, how to husband your resources, and to concentrate them, at any mument, upon a given point. The foolish waste all their mental and spiritual energy in frivolity, foolish chatter, or selfish argument, not to mention wasteful physical excesses,
(a) How should we do our task?3
Ans.Whatever your task may be, goncentrate your whole mind upon it, throw into it all the energy of which you are capable
(b) When shall we never fall?3
Ans.all the energy of which you are capable. The faultless completion of small tasks leads inevitably to larger taska. See to it that you rise by steady climbing and you will never fall, And herein lies the secret of true power.
(c)Wherein lies the secret of true power?3
Ans.See to it that you rise by steady climbing and you will never fall, And herein lies the secret of true power. Learn, by constant practice, how to husband your resources, and to concentrate them, at any mument, upon a given point.
(d) How do the foolish waste their energy?3
Ans. The foolish waste all their mental and spiritual energy in frivolity, foolish chatter, or selfish argument, not to mention wasteful physical excesses.
(e) (i) Which word in the passage is the opposite of 'false' ? 1
(ii) What is meant by 'to concentrate'?1
Ans.Concentrate means to make something stronger, denser, or more focused.
(iii) Give the antonym of 'foolish',1
Ans. Inteligent
SECTION B (Writing)
2.Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 100 - 150 words:10
(a) Importance of Games and Sports
(b) Steps for Making Cities Clean
(c) Your Aim in Life
(a) Importance of Games and Sports
Ans.Introduction : Sports and students are closely related,Sports are essential for students,This is the reason why emphasis is laid on sports in schools/colleges and sports day/sports week is celebrated.
Sports-explained: Sports can be defined as forms of competitive physical activity played by the people through 3 casual or organized participation.
Necessity of the Sports : Sports help the students to improve and maintain physical ability and skills. Learning in the class adds to their mental development whole sports outside the classroom aids to their physical fitness and s development. Education is indispensable for the students to earn livelihood, start a good career, get name and fame when they grow up. In the same way, to get a sound mind and body they must carry on some type of physical activities or the other and all of this is provided to them by the sports.
Advantages of Outdoor Games: The outdoor games provide a student with physical strength as well as increase his mental power. In this category come the sports like football, cricket, volley ball, hockey, running, etc.
Advantages of Indoor Games :Some indoor games and sports like brain games, chess, sudoku, etc. improve mental power and concentration level of the player.
Necessity of Games for Students: Students of today are the buds that would blossom tomorrow and then grow into fruits. They would adopt various professions, vocations and make their career in different fields. If we see back for a while in the history or put some lights on the life of any successful person, we see that name, fame and money earning never come easily. Instead, it needs a dedication, continuity, patience and above all some physical activities. These imply physical and mental health that are essential for healthy survival and success. Sports are nice way to get engaged in the physical activities which benefit a lot.
Positive Effect on Limbs: When a person runs, the muscles of legs do extra work. When he lifts up something, the limbs of arms do extra work. While he plays his limbs move and the blood circulates through his veins faster. The whole of the body becomes active. He gains vigour and zeal. Intake of fresh air and during the game makes him hungry. After a tiring game he enjoys sound sleep.
Sports Conducive to Various Qualities : Sports make the sportman bold and brave. He learns to maintain his mental equilibrium under all conditions. He learns the art of facing the problems of life with a smile. The games teach him to be disciplined. The reason is only a disciplined team wins the game. A player cannot play as he likes. Cooperation and adherence to rules of the game is a precondition to win the match. He learns to sacrifice his petty selfish interests for the sake of others welfare. The qualities like cooperation fellow-feeling and fraternity are learnt in the field. Games take away gloominess and bring brightness to his life. Life's best remembered moments are those that are spent on games and sports in the field.
Our nation needs able-bodied and healthy youths to shoulder thousands of duties of bigger, better and brighter tomorrow. Our students of today would make the future India.
Conclusion: To conclude, the games and sports are conducive to students' physical and mental health and teach them the lessons of co-operation, working for others and fellow feeling.
3. Write a letter to the Principal of your college to provide library books to students.10
The Principal
S.K.Inter College Hamipur
Subject – Request for regular opening of the library and purchase of new books
Respected Sir,
With due respect, I beg to say that I along with many other students of the college are fond of reading books, magazines and novels. But, when we go, to the library, most of the times it is closed and we are unable to utilise the facility of the library.
Our college library also not enriched with new books and magazines. So, on behalf of other students I request you to instruct the librarian to open the library regularly and to purchase more new books and magazines on current affairs. I shall be grateful to you for your early and favourable action.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily showing your concern over increasing Price Rise'.
4.Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:5x2=10
(a) One who sees the dark side of a thing, is called:
(i) optimist
(ii) pessimist
(iii) darky
(iv) hopeless
(b) The apple of one's eye' means:
(i) the most tender part of an eye
(ii) a tearful eye
(iii) very dear
(iv) a costly treatment of an eye
Ans.(i) the most tender part of an eye
(c) The synonym of 'destroy' is:
(i) finish
(ii) demolish
(iii) stop
(iv) end
Ans.(ii) demolish
(d)"What is the time in your watch?" Which word in this sentence is an error?
(i) what
(ii) time
(iii) in
(iv) watch
Ans.(iii) in
(e) The antonym of 'better' is:
(i) good
(ii) bad
(iii) worse
(iv) worst
Ans.(iv) worst
5.(a)Change any one of the following into indirect narration :
(i) Mahesh said to Reeta, "What are you doing here?
Ans.Mahesh said to Reeta that what She was doing here.
(ii)The teacher said to the students, "Do not quarrel with one another."
(b)Combine any one of the following as directed :2
(i) Where are you going ? I do not know. (Complex sentence)
(ii) He was fined. He was imprisoned. (Compound sentence)
(c) Transform any one of the following as directed :2
(i) Jammu is not so hot as Delhi. (Comparative degree)
(ii) Who can do it ? (Passive voice)
(d)Correct any one of the following sentences :
(i) There am large number of girls in this school.
(ii) He is tired in doing this work.
(e) Use any one of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to make
the difference in their meanings clear:
(i) idle - ideal
Ans.Idle' and 'idol' have the same pronunciation. 'Ideal' is pronounced a little differently. Idle means something is not in use, empty or doing nothing. Example01 Are you an idle student? ( means are doing nothing)
(ii) birth-berth
6.Translate the following passage into English:5
मेजर उसमान हमारे देश के एक प्रसिद्ध योद्धा हुए हैं। जब पाकिस्तान ने हमारे देश पर आक्रमण किया, तो उन्हें देश की रक्षा के लिए भेजा गया। राजौरी के युद्ध में वे मारे गए किन्तु उनकी वीरता को हम नहीं भूल सकते । उन्होंने कभी भी अपने जीवन की चिन्ता नहीं की। एक बार वे युद्ध गए । कुछ सिपाही उनके लिए बहुत दूर से थोड़ा-सा पानी लाए, क्योंकि वे में घायल हो बहुत प्यासे थे । किन्तु उस वीर ने वह पानी स्वयं नहीं पिया । उन्होंने वह पानी एक दूसरे प्यासे सिपाही को दे दिया। कुछ देर बाद उनकी मृत्यु हो गई। ऐसे वीर और दयालु व्यक्ति को हम कभी नहीं भूल सकेंगे।
Ans.Major Usman has been a famous warrior of our country. When Pakistan invaded our country, he was sent to defend the country. He was killed in the battle of Rajouri but we cannot forget his bravery. He never worried about his life. Once he went to war. Some soldiers brought some water for him from a long distance, because he was very thirsty. But that hero himself did not drink that water. He gave that water to another thirsty soldier. He died after some time. We never met such a brave and kind person. can forget
SECTION D (Literature)
7.Answer the following questions in about 40 words each:4+4=8
(a) Whom did M. Hamel blame for not paying proper attention to the study of French ?
Ans– Hamel blamed the parents for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz because they wanted them to work to earn some money instead of focusing on education.
Who was the rattrap seller ? How did he make them ?
(b) What was the importance of garbage for children in Seemapuri?3
Ans.For the children of Seemapuri, garbage is something wrapped in wonder as at times they find a ten or a one rupee note in it. For their parents, it is a means of survival because some of it could be sold for cash.
What did Gandhiji do for Champaran ?3
8. Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words:7
(a) What did Douglas decide to overcome his fear of water?
Ans.He swam alone in the pool. He went to Lake Wentworth to dive. He tried every possible stroke he learnt. Finally, in his diving expedition, in the Warm Lake, he conquered his fear completely.
(b) Describe the plight of ragpickers as depicted in the lesson 'Lost Spring
9.Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:3x2=6
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
(a) What does the poet feel about a thing of beauty?
Ans.A Thing of Beauty is by the famous poet John Keats. Furthermore, the poet says that a beautiful thing can give us extreme happiness and delight. Moreover, a beautiful thing is eternal that never declines or fades.
(b) What does the poet mean by "It will never pass into nothingness"?
Ans.The poet says the beauty of certain things stays forever. "Never pass into nothingness" means that this beauty never goes off with the passing time, rather it beautifies more and more. The poet says beauty is a source of endless joy.
(c) In what sense 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever' ?
Ans.According to John Keats a thing of beauty is a joy of forever. It is a constant source of happiness and pleasure. Its loveliness increases every moment. It will never pass into nothingness.
10. Write the central idea of any one of the following poems:
(a) Keeping Quiet
(b) My Mother at Sixty-six
(c) Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
Central Idea of the Keeping Quiet
The poem has been written in lyrical idiom and brings out the complexity of human relations. The central idea of the poem is 'ageing' which is the eternal law of nature. The poetess had gone to meet her mother whose pale face made her realise that her mother is getting old. The poetess becomes really upset. The poetess also mentions the close relationship which a mother and a daughter share. While going away from her mother who has grown old, poetess gets deeply saddened.
11. Answer the following questions in about 40 words each:4+4=8
(a)Who was Hana? How did Hana meet Sadao?
Describe the environment of Antarctica,
Ans.Antarctica has an extremely cold, dry climate. Winter temperatures along Antarctica's coast generally range from -10° to -30°C (14° to -22°F). During the summer, coastal areas hover around 0°C (32°F) but can reach temperatures as high as 9°C (48°F). Precipitation in the Antarctic is hard to measure.
(b) What was the third level? Where was it situated?
What was the astrologer's prediction about the Tiger King's death?
Ans.The chief astrologer had predicted that a tiger would cause the King's death, and he should especially be wary of the hundredth tiger. The vain King banned the hunting of tigers in the State by everyone except himself and was able to kill ninety-nine tigers.
12.Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words:7
(a) How did Dr. Sadao save the life of the American war prisoner and how did Hana help in doing so?
(b) Who was Sam Weiner? What did he write in his letter to Charley?
Ans.Sam wrote in his letter to Charley that he had found the third level and he had reached there. Sam was saying in his letter that he was staying there in Galesburg since last two weeks and watching various activities. He invites both Charley and his wife Louisa there