
Up board Class 12th English half yearly exam paper solution 2023-24।। कक्षा 12वी अंग्रेजी अर्द्ध वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर

Class 12th English up board half yearly paper 2023-24

Up board Class 12th English half yearly exam paper solution 2023-24

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नमस्कार दोस्तों हम आपको अपनी इस पोस्ट में Class 12th English up board half yearly exam paper ka full solution बताइएंगे इसलिए आप पोस्ट को पूरा जरूर पढ़ें यदि आपको कुछ पूछना है तो कॉमेंट करके ज़रूर बताइएगा

   Half Yearly Examination 2023-24


                Subject- English


Time: 3 Hrs                                  M.M. 70

               Section-A [Reading]

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it: 

 The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day's work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. In the early morning the mind is fresh, and there are few sounds or other distractions, so the work done at that time is generally well done. In many cases the early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air, and this exercise supplies him with the fund of energy that will last until evening. By beginning early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he can be expected to do, and is not tempted to hurry over any part of it. All the work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening before the timely hour when he goes to bed. He gets to sleep several hours before midnight, at the time when sleep is most refreshing and after a sound night's rest rises early next morning in good health and spirit for the labours of a new day. Questions

(a) Give a suitable title to the passage 3

(b) What enables the early riser to go to bed at the proper time? 3 

(c) How is the work done in the early morning well done?3

(d) Give one main advantage of early rising. 3

(e) (i) What is the meaning of word 'distraction in the passage?1

 (ii) Which word in the passage mean 'soul"?1

(iii) What do you mean by the term 'tempt'?1

              Section-B [Writing]

2. Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 100-150 words:10

(a) Importance of Games and sports.

(c) Mobile phones: Uses & Misuses

(b) Dowry System

3. You are Ravi Kumar of New Delhi. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper criticising vulgarity in Indian films.10


Write a letter of complaint to the Chairman of the Municipal Corporation, urging him to demolish dilapidated structures posing a threat to the citizens.

            Section-C [ Grammar]

4. Choose the correct option to answer the following questions: 10

(a) Which is the correct combination of the given two sentences?

The officer will return from China on Monday. You can meet him. 

(i) You can meet the officer when he returned from China on Monday.

(ii) You can meet the officer when he will return from China on Monday.

(ii) You can meet the officer when he returns from China on Monday.

(iv) The officer will meet you when you return from China on Monday.

(b) (i) Which word is the following sentences is an error.

Mohan is more taller than Ram.

(a) than

(b) is

(c) taller 

(d) more

(c) Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idioms/phrase.

He put across his ideas to the minister.

(i) made available

(ii) effectively conveyed

(iii) strongly expressed

(iv) laid aside

(d) Choose the word nearest in meaning to bold part.

The inspector was a vigilant young man.

 (i) smart

 (ii) watchful 

(iii) ambitious

 (iv) intelligent

(e) Select the word or the phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

How dare you desecrate an idol of this temple.

(i) defile

(ii) pollute

(iii) deify

(iv) impious

5. (a) Change any one of the following to Indirect speech:2

(i) She said, "Honesty is the best policy."

(ii) His mother said, "The Sun is very hot today." Combine any one of the following as directed:

(b)(i) She wants to become a famous lady. She is devoting her time to social work.


(ii) He made a promise. He kept it also. And [Compound] 

(c)Change any one of the following as directed.2

 (i) He is beaten severely by his mother. [Passive voice]

(ii) We must help the needy. [Comparative degree]

(d) Correct any one of the following sentences:2

(i) He congratulated for my success. 

(ii) We should not listen the advise of a false friend.

(e) Use any one of the following parts of words in your own sentences2

to make the difference in their meaning clear.

(i) A good deal of

(ii) By and large

6. Translate the following in to English: यमुना नदी के किनारे स्थित आगरा एक पुराना शहर है। प्राचीन साहित्य में उसका उल्लेख मिलता है। यह सुन्दर ऐतिहासिक भवनों का नगर है। यहाँ मुगलकालीन अनके इमारतें हैं। फतेहपुर सीकरी के भवन अकबर ने बनवाए थे। मोती मस्जिद और ताजमहल शाहजहाँ द्वारा बनवाए गए थे। आगरे का किला भी अकबर ने ही बनवाया था। कहा जाता है कि इस स्थान पर पहले काई दूसरा किला था। यहाँ का ताजमहल संसार का एक बहुत बड़ा आश्चर्य है। आगरा अब एक औद्योगिक नगर है। विश्व के अनेक देशों से लाखों लोग ताजमहल देखने यहाँ आते हैं।

             Section-D [ Literature]

7. Answer any one question in about 80 words:7

(a) What was the scene inside the class when Franz reached the school?

(b) How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers ? Give instances.

8.Answer the following questions in about 40 words each: 8

(a) What had been put up on the bulletin board?


Why did Saheb join the job at the milk booth ?

(b) Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?

Or Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler? 

9. Read the following lines of poetry and answer the questions given below it.

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever

Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; but still will keep

A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and

quiet breathing,

(i) How is a thing of beauty of joy forever? 

(ii) How does its loveliness increase?

(iii) What does the poet mean to say by it will never the pass into nothingness? 

10. Give the central idea of any one of the following poem:4

(a) Keeping Quiet

(c) A thing of Beauty

(b) My Mother at Sixty Six

11. Answer the following questions in about 40 words each:8

(a) How did Charley enter, 'The Third Level."? 


Who is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name?

(b) What are the indications for the future of human kind?

Or Why was Sadao sent to America?

12. Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words:7

(a) How did the announcement of the last lesson affect Franz?

 (b) Describe the life of ragpickers at Seemapuri.

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