
Up board Class 11th English varshik pariksha peper solution 2024।।कक्षा 11वी अंग्रेजी वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 2024 का सम्पूर्ण हल

Up board Class 11th English varshik pariksha peper solution 2024

कक्षा 11वी अंग्रेजी वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 2024 का सम्पूर्ण हल 

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नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका हमारी वेब Subhanshclasses.com पर हम आपको अपनी इस पोस्ट में Up board Class 11th English exam paper 2024 Full Solution लेकर आए हैं यदि आपको पोस्ट पसन्द आए तो अपने दोस्तों को भी शेयर करें।

         Final Examination Paper 2024


                Subject: English

Time: 3 Hrs.                            MM: 100


Q1. Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct option to answer the question that follows

A poor farmer lived with his wife and son is a small village. One day, exhausted by the heat, he lay down under the shadow of a tree to take a nap. All of a Sudden he saw a giant cobracrawling out of an ant hill, the farmer thought to himself, "Surely this snake must be a diety guarding my field. So for, I have not noticed it and that it why all my farming is in vain, het me pay my respects to it now and worship it thereafter."

He then made up his mind brought some milk in a bowl and placed it before the ant hill. He said aloud, "O lord guardian of my field! I did not know you dwell here. Please forgive me for not paying respects to you."

He left the milk bowl there and went back to his house. The next morning, he was surprised to see a gold coin in the bowl. Since then the farmer placed a bowl of milk every day and got back a gold coin the next morning Soon the farmer became rich and happy.

One day the farmer had to go to a near by city for a few days and so he directed his son to place the milk bowl near the ant hill every day. The Son Kept the milk bowl and left, only to find a gold coins the next day. He then thought to himself. "This and hill must be full of gold coins. I'll kill the serpent and take all of them"

The next day, while placing the bowl of milk, the farmers son struck the Snaks with a club. But the serpent escaped and bit him with its sharp fangs instead. He was dead at once. When the farmer returned he learnt about his son's fate and grieved. The next morning he took the bowl of milk and went to the ant hill. The snake come out and said, "Your greed made you overlook even the loss of your son. Your son struck me in ignorance and 1 had bitten him to death. Cannot forget the blow on my head and you cannot forget the loss of your son. Hereafter the friendship between us is not possible." The snake gave a costly coin and disappeared. The farmer returned home cursing the follishness of his son.

1. What did the farmer see out of an ant hill?

(a) Caterpillar

(b) Rat

(c) giant Cobra

2. Waht did farmer think to himself?

(a) to kill snake

(b) to worship it

(c) to pay respect

(d) band c both

3. What did the son do to get all that gold?

(a) He requested the cobra to give him all the gold.

(b) He stole all the gold from the ant hills.

(c) He tried to kill the Cobra

(d) None of the above

4. Why did the farmer lay down under shadow of a tree?

(a) He was sleepy

(b) He was tired?

(c) He had worked hard

(d) He exhausted by the heat

5. How did the snake affect the farmer?

(a) The snake killed him

(b) The snake made him rich and happy man

(c) The snake halped him to gain fame

(d) All of the abvoe

6. Rearrange the following words to make a meaning of full sentence:

(a) I was a baby when I slept with my mother.

(b) When I was a baby. I with my mother slept.

(c) When I slept with my mother I was a baby.

(d) When I was a baby I slept with my mother.

7. The life history of a man.

(a) Biography

(b) autobiography

8. That is fit to be eaten………

(a) edible

(b) eligible

9. Write the meaning of the following words - Birth      Berth

10. Lose Loose

11. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the word-Courage -

(a) Boldness

(b) Coward

(c) Timid

12. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the word - Brilliant.

(a) Brave

(b) Intelligent

(c) dull

13. Choose the correct meaning of the idioms - "An apple of one's eye"

(a) Cause of quarrel

(b) very dear

14. A bed of roses.

(a) Quite comfartable

(b) a large number of roses

15. Which word's a proper noun among the following -

(a) City

(b) apple

(c) Suraj

(d) Chair

16. Tut's granfather was.

 (a) Tutan Khamur

(b) Carten

(c) Amenhatep IV

(d) Amwa

17. A medical examination of the body of a dead person in order to find out how he died is known as -

(a) MRI

(b) CT Scan

(c) Post Martem

(d) ECG

18. The cemetry of Tut is called-

(a) Vally of the kings

(b) Resting place of Tut

(c) Vally of peace

(d) Vally of flowers

19. "The Earth's vital signs rascal a patient declining health."

(a) Hyperbola

(b) Metaphor

(c) Personification

(d) Simle

20. What will the grassland turn into if systems beame unsustainable?

(a) Turn into a barren wasteland

(b) Turn into desert

(c) Soil quality will deteriorate

(d) Drought land

                     [ Part - B ]

1. Write an article on any one of the topic given below -

(1) Role of media - what shoudl it be?

(2) Child abuse

(3) Status of women in society

2. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily news paper complaining about the bodly maintainace parks of your colony. 10

                  [ Grammar ]

3. Change the following sentences as directed -

(1) The refugee women said to the shopkeepr. "Please help my starving children" (Indirect speech)

(2) I am going to Delhi. I will stay there for a week.(Simple sentence)

(3) He is too miser to spend any money. (Negative sentence)

4. Translate the following into English:

एक समय एक बादशाह बीमार पड़ा। बेचारा इतना बीमार था कि कुछ खा-पी भी नहीं सकता था। कितने डॉक्टर, वैद्य और हकीम आए और अपनी-अपनी दवाइयाँ देकर चले गए। पर बादशाह अच्छा न हुआ। एक दिन कोई साधु उधर आ निकला। नौकरों ने उसे बादशाह के सामने उपस्थित किया। साधु कुछ देर तक बादशाह का मुँह देखकर बोला- "अगर बादशाह नगर के सबसे सुखी व्यक्ति का कुर्ता पहने तो अच्छे हो सकते हैं।" तब सारे नौकर सबसे सुखी व्यक्ति की खोज में निकल पड़े। एक-एक करके वे नगर के सभी अमीरों के पास गए, परन्तु किसी ने यह नही कहा कि मैं सुखी हूँ।


5. Answer any one of the following -

(1) What are the facts that are known about King Tut's lineage?

(2) Inspite of knowing the deplorable condition of the environment human being only make a show dowing something about it. Elaborate.

(3) Justify the title 'Silk Road'.

6. Answer any two of the following question -

(1) Who was the last ruler of the powerful dynasty describe in brief?

(2) Why did the tourists come from around the world What did they do?

(3) Why was a permit required to enter Bombay for the passanger in the train.

Q7. Read the following lines of poem and answer the questions.

"And who art thou? Said I to the soft falling-showr Which strange to tell, gave me an answer as here translated

I am the poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain"

(1) What does the rain call itself? Why? the

(2) Who is 'T' in the first line?

(3) Find out a word from the extract which is synonym of "malleable."

Q8.Write the Central idea of anyone of the following poems:

(i) The voice of Rain

(ii) Childhood

Q9. Answer any one of the following questions -

(i) Waht do you think is the theme of the play? How has it worked out?

(ii) What was Andrew's dilemma? How was it solved?

Q12. Answer any two of the following question:

(i) Who was Dr. Andrew? Where was he working?

(ii) How was Annie responsible for her own fati ?

(iii) What change can be see in Annie's family in the end?

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