Essay on Value of Games
Essay on Importance of Games
importance of game on students life
Introduction : Sports and students are closely related,Sports are essential for students,This is the reason why emphasis is laid on sports in schools/colleges and sports day/sports week is celebrated.
Sports-explained: Sports can be defined as forms of competitive physical activity played by the people through 3 casual or organized participation.
Necessity of the Sports : Sports help the students to improve and maintain physical ability and skills. Learning in the class adds to their mental development whole sports outside the classroom aids to their physical fitness and s development. Education is indispensable for the students to earn livelihood, start a good career, get name and fame when they grow up. In the same way, to get a sound mind and body they must carry on some type of physical activities or the other and all of this is provided to them by the sports.
Advantages of Outdoor Games: The outdoor games provide a student with physical strength as well as increase his mental power. In this category come the sports like football, cricket, volley ball, hockey, running, etc.
Advantages of Indoor Games :Some indoor games and sports like brain games, chess, sudoku, etc. improve mental power and concentration level of the player.
Necessity of Games for Students: Students of today are the buds that would blossom tomorrow and then grow into fruits. They would adopt various professions, vocations and make their career in different fields. If we see back for a while in the history or put some lights on the life of any successful person, we see that name, fame and money earning never come easily. Instead, it needs a dedication, continuity, patience and above all some physical activities. These imply physical and mental health that are essential for healthy survival and success. Sports are nice way to get engaged in the physical activities which benefit a lot.
Positive Effect on Limbs: When a person runs, the muscles of legs do extra work. When he lifts up something, the limbs of arms do extra work. While he plays his limbs move and the blood circulates through his veins faster. The whole of the body becomes active. He gains vigour and zeal. Intake of fresh air and during the game makes him hungry. After a tiring game he enjoys sound sleep.
Sports Conducive to Various Qualities : Sports make the sportman bold and brave. He learns to maintain his mental equilibrium under all conditions. He learns the art of facing the problems of life with a smile. The games teach him to be disciplined. The reason is only a disciplined team wins the game. A player cannot play as he likes. Cooperation and adherence to rules of the game is a precondition to win the match. He learns to sacrifice his petty selfish interests for the sake of others welfare. The qualities like cooperation fellow-feeling and fraternity are learnt in the field. Games take away gloominess and bring brightness to his life. Life's best remembered moments are those that are spent on games and sports in the field.
Our nation needs able-bodied and healthy youths to shoulder thousands of duties of bigger, better and brighter tomorrow. Our students of today would make the future India.
Conclusion: To conclude, the games and sports are conducive to students' physical and mental health and teach them the lessons of co-operation, working for others and fellow feeling.
Essay on Importance of games 150 words
Sports and games are very important for our physical, personal, mental, body and Brain development. Sports helps us to live a Fit and healthy life. Playing sports and games make our body and mind fresh.... Playing sports increases our mind concentration and decision making capabilities more powerful.
This paragraph will be helpful to help the readers know about the benefits of sports activities. We will first start with the health benefits of sports activities. Engaging oneself in sports and games means a positive recreation. It reduces stress and increases metabolism. Sports activities are known to reduce obesity among teens and adults. There are several sports activities that require a lot of muscle strength, like Javelin or Short Put.
There are games that require mind and body coordination, and they include games like cricket and baseball. Baseball is mostly played abroad in America and Japan. Cricket is famous in most of the countries that were once under British Colonialism. These include Australia, India, and West Indies. If one does not want to get involved in outdoor games, then indoor games are for them. A move out of the sedentary life is essential.
There are several indoor games present. Indoor games include chess, ludo, Chinese checker, and monopoly. There are several card games that can also be played for fun and activity. These card games include hearts, bridge, and several other games of chance. Chess is a game that calls for a tremendous amount of patience. It requires eh complete concentration of the player. So there are several benefits for the mind in the case of Indoor as well as outdoor games. It increases the mindfulness f individuals and reduces stress and anxiety. Several doctors suggest taking up sports activities to those that are suffering from depression and severe stress and anxiety.
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