Essay on policeman in English
essay on policeman in 150 words
His dress: Generally a policeman wears a khaki shirt, a khaki pant and a cap. He ties a leather belt round his waist. There are brass badges on his shoulders. He has a name plate also on his pocket.
His education: Earlier he was not highly educated but now most of them are graduate and postgraduate. He has to catch those who break law. Hence he is to be healthy and physically fit.
His work and usefulness : The work of a policeman is too difficult and risky. Sometimes he has to do risky jobs. His duties are hard. He may be called on duty any time. Day or night makes no difference.
He maintains law and order. He arrests law breakers and criminals. Sometimes he has even to sacrifice his life also in an encounter with dacoits or terrorists.
However, the policeman is not well paid. A policeman must be honest, sincere and duty bound.
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