Essay on my favourite book in English
essay on my favourite book ramayana
essay on my favourite book
ramcharitmanas in english
My Favourite Book
Introduction: In the present age, books are indispensable. Dr. Vibasi categorized the books as under:
(i) Some books are to be read in haste and thrown.
(ii) Some books are to be read and digested.
(iii) Some books are to be read again and again, chewed well and kept in mind.
Ram Charita Manas: To me, the Ram Charita Manas is nearer to the last category of the books. It appeals to the mind, heart and soul of the reader. It has moulded my character, my way of life and given direction to my mind.
Ayodhya Kand: In Ram Charita Manas, it is the Ayodhya Kand that appeals to me the most. The following scenes in this Kand are so heart-touching that they can never be forgotten by me.
1. Bharata's Return: At the time, King Dasharatha left for heaven, Bharat and Shatrughana were at Kaikeya. They were sent for. When they reached Koshala, Bharata was stunned to see everybody mourning. The city was in darkness as no lamps were lit.
2. Meeting of Bharata and Mothers: In the palace, Bharata met, first with his mother Kaikeyi. He asked her about
his father's well-being. The hard-hearted mother informed Bharata about his father's death. Hearing about his father's death Bharata fainted and fell upon the ground. As he grew conscious, he lamented. Then he wished to go to Rama to kiss his lotus feet. At this, Kaikeyi informed him that Ram, Sita and Lakshamana had already gone to the forest. Bharata was stunned to listen it. He asked her about its reasons. Kaikeyi narrated to him about the two boons. Bharata could not bear such mean words of his mother.
Bharata went to Kausalya to get some relief. He fell at her feet and cursed himself. Kausalya felt as if Rama had returned from exile and stood before her. She raised him up and took him into her arms.
3. The Advice: The people of Ayodhya held a general meeting. Sage Vasistha advised Bharat to sit on the throne and rule. But Bharata declared that he would go to the jungle to bring Rama back to Ayodhya. The next day, Bharata, Shatrughana, the mothers, nobles, troops and the people of Ayodhya left for the forest. They reached the Ganga where Guha met them. He led them to Panchvati.
4. The Great Meeting: They reached Panchvati. Bharata prayed Rama to return and become the king of Ayodhya. Rama explained to him the duties of the sons towards their parents. He advised him to rule over Ayodhya as his regent for fourteen years. Bharata had to agree to it with a heavy heart. He put the sandals of Rama upon his head and prostrated at his feet.
5. Return: Now it was the time to return to Ayodhya, Panchvati and the whole of the forest was left calm and quiet again.
Conclusion: Ram Charita Manas teaches us so many lessons of great value. It presents the true philosophy of life. It tells us how we should live in the world, conforming with the noble ideas of life. Every character teaches us some great lesson or the other. The character of King Dasharatha teaches us to keep our word as he did at the cost of his life. The character of Rama teaches us to be noble, virtuous and true to our word. The character of Sita teaches us the lesson of chastity. The characters of Bharata, Lakshamana and Hanumana teach us the lessons of loyalty, self-sacrifice and service of humanity. The character of Ravana warns us against being arrogant.
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