
Top 500 Important Full Forms

Top 500 Important Full Forms

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          [ Most IMP Full Forms ]

  adult (motion picture certificate)

ans   –    answer

AAA  –   Amateur Athletic Association

AAGSPAll Assam Gana Sangram Parishad

AASU  –  All Assam Students Union

abbr  –  abbreviated, abbreviation

abr     –    abridged

ABSU  – All Bodo Students Union

AC   –  alternating current; air conditioner

асс    –     account 

ACC –  Auxiliary Cadet Corps

ACP – Assistant Commissioner of Police

AD –  anno Domini, in the year of the Lord

Ad  –   advertisement

ADC –   Aide-de-Camp

ADM  –   Additional District Magistrate

ADMKAnna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam

AFMC – Armed Forces Medical College

AI   –     Air India

AIADMKAll India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam

AICC  –  All India Congress Committee

AICTEAll India Council for Technical Education

AIDS  – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 

AIIMS – All India Institute of Medical Sciences

AIR  –   All India Radio

AITUC  –  All India Trade Union Congress

AJT  –   Advanced Jet Trainer

AM  –  ante meridiem; before noon 

AMC  –   Army Medical Corps

AMICEAssociate Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers

AMIE  – Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers

AMP   –    Ampere

AMU   –   Aligarh Muslim University

AP –   Associated Press; Andhra Pradesh

APC –   Agricultural Prices Commission 

 APO –  Army Post Office

ASC – Army Service Corps

ASI –   Archaeological Survey of India;Assistant Sub-Inspector

ASP  –  Assistant Superintendent of Police

ATM – Automatic Teller Machine

ATS  –  Anti Tetanus Serum

AVSM –  Ativishisht Seva Medal

AWACSAirborne Early Warning And Control System

BA  –  Bachelor of Arts

BALCOBharat Aluminium Company Limited

BAMS – Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

BARC – Bhaba Atomic Research Centre

BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation

BC – Before Christ

BCCI – Board of Control for Cricket in India

BCG – Bacillus Calmette Guerin (preventive vaccine for tuberculosis)

B Com – Bachelor of Commerce

BDO – Block Development Officer

BDS – Bachelor of Dental Surgery

BE – Bachelor of Engineering

BEd – Bachelor of Education

BHEL – Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

BHMS – Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery 

BHU – Banaras Hindu University 

BJP –  Bhartiya Janta Party

BKU –  Bhartiya Kisan Union

BMAC – Babri Masjid Action Committee 

BMS – Bachelor of Medicine and Surger;Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh

BMW – British Motor Works

Bn – Battalion

BP – Blood Pressure

B Pharm – Bachelor of Pharmacy

B Sc – Bachelor of Science

BSF – Border Security Force

BSS – Bharat Sewak Samaj

BTech – Bachelor of Technology

C  – Celsius; Centigrade

CA – Chartered Accountant

Cantab – Cantabrigiensis of Cambridge,

Caps – Capitals

Capt – Captain

CARE – Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere

CAT – Central Administrative Tribunal;Common Aptitude Test

CBRI – Central Building Research Institute

CBSE – Central Board of Secondary Education

CC – Carbon Copy

CD – Compact Disc;Community Development

CDS – Combined Defence Services

CEC – Chief Election Commissioner

CEET – Common Engineering Entrance Test

CENTO – Central Treaty Organisation

CFRI – Central Fuel Research Institute

CGHS – Central Government Health Scheme

CGS – Centimetre Gram Second (Unit or system)

CIA – Central Intelligence Agency (USA)

CHOGM – Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

CID – Criminal Investigation Department 

CISF – Central Industrial Security Force

CITU – Centre of Indian Trade Unions

CJ  – Chief Justice

CL – Casual Leave

CM – Chief Minister

Cm – Centimetre

CMERI – Central Mechanical Enginering Research Institute

CMO – Chief Medical Officer

CNN – Cable News Network

Co  – Company 

CO – Commanding Officer

C/O – Care of

COFEPOSA – Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act

Contd – Continued

CPB – Central Parliamentary Board

CPF – Contributory Provident Fund

CPI – Communist Party of India

CPI(M) – Communist Party of India (Marxist )

CPMT : Combined Pre-Medical Test

CPRI – Central Potato Research Institute 

CPWD – Central Public Works Department

CR – Confidential Report

Cr PC – Criminal Procedure Code

CRPF – Central Reserve Police Force

CSIR – Centre of Scientific and Industrial Research

CRY – Child Relief and You

CVC – Chief Vigilance Commissioner

d – delete

D/O – Daughter of

DA – Dearness Allowance; Daily Allowance

DC – Direct Current; Deputy Commissioner 

DCH – Diploma in Child Health

DCP – Deputy Commissioner of Police

DD – Demand Draft

D day – Day of start of a military operation

DDA – Delhi Development Authority

DDT – Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (an insecticide)

dep – departure

dept – department

DESU – Delhi Electrical Supply Undertaking

DGP – Director General of Police

DIG – Deputy Inspector General

DIR – Defence of India Rules

DJ – District Judge

D Lit – Doctor of Letters or Literature

DLO – Dead Letter Office; District Livestock Officer

DM – District Magistrate

DNA – de-oxyribo-nucleic acid

DMK – Dravida Munetra Kazhagam

DO – Demi-official

DOT – Department of Telecommunications

Dr – Doctor

DRDO – Defence Research and Development Organisation

D Sc – Doctor of Science

DSP/Dy SP – Deputy Superintendent of Police

DSW – Dean Students Welfare

EC – Executive Council, European Community

ECG – Electrocardiogram

eg – exempli gratia, for example

ENT – Ear, Nose, Throat

et al – et alibi, elsewhere

etc – etcetera, and the others and so forth

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organisation

FAX – Facsimile

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation

FCI – Food Corporation of India

FERA – Foreign Exchange Regulation Act

FICCI – Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

FIR – First Information Report 

FRCP – Fellow of Royal College of Physicians

FRCS – Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons

GAIL – Gas Authority of India Limited

GATE – Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

GATT – General Agreement of Trade and Tariff

GMT – Greenwich Mean Time

GNP – Gross National Product

GO – General Order

GOC – General Officer Commanding

GPO – General Post Office

GRE – Graduate Record Examination

GSLV – Geo Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle

GRP – Government Railway Police

HAL Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

HC – High Court

HCF – Highest Common Factor

HDFC – Housing Development Finance Corporation

HEL – Heavy Electricals Limited

HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HMS – Hind Mazdoor Sangh

HMT – Hindustan Machine Tools

hp – horse power

HQ –  Head Quarters

HPCL – Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 

HRA – House Rent Allowance

HRD – Human Resources and Development

HZ – Hertz

I & B – Information and Broadcasting

IAF – Indian Air Force

IARI – Indian Agricultural Research Institute

IAS – Indian Administrative Service

IBM – International Business Machine

ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research

TCBM – Inter Continental Ballistic Missile

ICCR – Indian Council of Cultural Relations

ICICI – Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

ICRISAT – International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

ICS – Indian Civil Service

ICSSR – Indian Council of Social Science Research

ICU – Intensive Care Unit

IDBI – Industrial Development Bank of India

le – id est, that is

IFA – Indian Football Association

IFF – International Football Federation

IFFCO –Indian Farmers Fertilizer Corporation 

 IFS – Indian Forest/ Foreign Service

IGNOU – Indira Gandhi National Open University

IHF – Indian Hockey Federation

ILO – International Labour Organisation

IMA – Indian Medical Association

IMF – International Monetary Fund

IN – Indian Navy

INA – Indian National Army

INS – Indian Navy/Naval Ship

INSAT –  Indian National Satellite

INTERPOL – International Criminal Police Organisation

INTUC – Indian National Trade Union Council

 IOA – Indian Olympic Association

IPC –  Indian Penal Code

IPO – Indian Postal Order

 IPS – Indian Police Service

IQ – Intelligence Quotient

IRA – Irish Republican Army

IRDP – Integrated Rural Development Programme

IRRI – International Rice Research Institute

IRS – Indian Revenue Service

ISBN – International Standard Book Number 

ISD – International Subscriber Dialling

ISI –  Inter Service Intelligence; Indian Standards Institution

ISRO –  Indian Space Research Organisation

IST –  Indian Standard Time

IT – Information Technology; Income Tax

ITBP – Indo-Tibetan Border Police

ITDC – India Tourism Development Corporation

ITO – Income Tax Officer

IVRI – Indian Veterinary Research Institute

J&K – Jammu and Kashmir

JKLF – Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front

JMM – Jharkhand Mukti Morcha

JNU – Jawaharlal Nehru University

JP – Jaiprakash Narayan

 JPC – Joint Parliamentary Committee

KG – Kindergarten

Kg – Kilogram

KGB – Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (Russian Committee for State Security)

Km – Kilometre

KRIBHCO – Krishak Bharti Cooperative (Limited)

KVK – Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Kw – Kilowatt

Lab – Laboratory

LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

Lb – Libra, pound

Ibw – leg before wicket

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LCM – Lowest Common Multiple

LDC – Lower Division Clerk

LG – Lieutenant Governor

LLB – Bachelor of Laws

LLD – Doctor of Laws

LLM – Master of Laws

LTA – Leave Travel Allowance

LIC – Life Insurance Corporation

LTTE – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

LTC – Leave Travel Concession

MA – Master of Arts

MBA – Master of Business Administration

MBBS – Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

MCA – Master in Computer Applications

Mch – Master of Chirugergy

MD – Doctor of Medicine

MEd – Master of Education

MES – Military Engineering Service

MLA – Member of Legislative Assembly

MLC – Member of Legislative Council

MNC – Multinational Corporation

MO – Money Order; Medical Officer

MoU – Memorandum of Understanding

MP – Member of Parliament

MS – Master of Surgery

Mss – Manuscript

MSW – Master of Social Work

MVC – Mahavir Chakra

NABARD – National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development

NAFED – National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India

NALCO – National Aluminium Company Limited

NAM – Non-Aligned Movement

NATO – North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation 

NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

NCC – National Cadet Corps

NCERT – National Council of Educational Research and Training

NDA – National Defence Academy; National Democratic Alliance

NFL – National Fertilizers Limited

NGO – Non-Governmental Organisation

NIFT – National Institute of Fashion Technology

NIIT – National Institute of Information Technology 

NIS – National Institute of Sports

NPL – National Physical Laboratory 

NPT – Non-Proliferation Treaty

NRI – Non-Resident Indian

NSD – National School of Drama

NSE – National Stock Exchange

NSG – National Security Guard

NSS – National Service Scheme

NTPC – National Thermal Power Corporation

OBC – Other Backward Classes

OC – Officer Commanding

OHP – Overhead Projector

OLGS – On Indian Government Service

OK – All Correct

OPD – Out Patients Department

OPEC – Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OTS – Officers Training School

PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange

PAC – Provincial Armed Constabulary: Public Accounts Committee

PC – Personal Computer

PCS – Provincial Civil Service

PEN – Poets, Editors and Novelists Association

PF – Provident Fund

PGDCA – Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Application

Ph D – Doctor of Philosophy 

PIN – Postal Index Number

PLO – Palestine Liberation Organisation 

PM – Prime Minister; Post meridiem (Afternoon)

pm – per month

PO – Post Office

POW – Prisoner of War

PRO –  Public Relations Officer 

PS – Postscript, written after

PTI – Press Trust of India 

PTO – Please Turn Over

PVC – Paramvir Chakra

PVSM – Param Vishisht Seva Medal

PWD – Public Works Department

QED – Quod erat demonstrandum, which was to be domonstrated

R&D – Research and Development

RADAR – Radio Detecting and Ranging

RAW – Research and Analysis Wing

RBC – Red Blood Corpuscles

RBI – Reserve Bank of India

REC – Regional Engineering College

RNA – Ribo-Nucleic Acid

RSS – Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh

RSVP – respondez s'il vous plait (French), reply if you please

S/O Son of

 SAARC – South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation

SAIL – Steel Authority of India Limited

SALT – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

SAVE – SAARC Audio Visual Exchange

SC – Scheduled Caste; Supreme Court

SEATO – South East Asia Treaty Organisation

SEBI – Securities and Excahnge Board of India; stock Exchange Board of India

SGPC – Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee

SHAR – Sriharikota Range

SLP – Special Leave Petition

SLV – Satellite Launch Vehicle

SOS – Save Our Souls

SPCA – Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

SSB – Service Selection Board

SSC – Staff Selection Commission

ST –  Scheduled Tribe

STD – Subscriber Trunk Dialling

TA – Travelling Allowance

TADA –  Terrorist and Discruptive Activities (Prevention) Act

TB – Tubercle Bacillus (Tuberculosis)

TDS – Tax Deduction at Source

TNT – Tri Nitro Toluene (explosive)

TOEFL –  Test of English as Foreign Language

UAE – United Arab Emirates

UAR – United Arab Republic

UDC – Upper Division Clerk

UFO – Unidentified Flying Object 

UGC – University Grants Commission

UK – United Kingdom

ULFA – United Liberation Front of Assam

UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

UNI – United News of India

UNICEF – United Nations International Children's Fund

UNO – United Nations Organisation

UPC – Under Postal Certificate

UPSC – Union Public Service Commission

USA – United States of America

VAT – Value Added Tax

VC – Vice-Chancellor; Victoria Cross

VCP – Video Cassette Player

VCR – Video Cassette Recorder

VHP – Vishwa Hindu Parishad

VIP – Very Important Person

W/O –  Wife of

WBC – White Blood Cells

wef – with effect from

WHO – Word Health Organisation

WTO – World Trade Organisation

X-mas – Christmas

YMCA – Young Men's Christian Association

YWCA – Young women's Christian Association

ZSI – Zoological Survey of India

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