up pre board exam paper full solutions class 12 English full solutions 2022
यूपी प्री बोर्ड परीक्षा पेपर कक्षा 10 अंग्रेजी पेपर का सम्पूर्ण हल 2022
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Pre Board Examination
Time: 3.00 hrs. M.M.:100
Section-A [Reading]
1. Read the following unseen passage and answer the questions that follow:
1. There's no concept of good or bad food in nutrition science.What matters is the amount of food you consume, something that can be measured in terms of portion or size of serving. Portions and sizes vary from country to country and community to community. Large portions are commonly consumed in the advanced economies while smaller size portions are found mostly in developing economies of Africa and Asia.
2. Incidentally, portion sizes have undergone a considerable change over the years and continue to do so even today. The trend, in general, has been towards consuming larger and larger food portions (expanding waistlines are proof of this. The human mind seems to count the number of portions rather than the portion size. For example, when people say they have only one chapatti for lunch or dinner, they rarely discuss its size.
3. Short-term studies have also shown that people eat more when confronted with larger portion sizes. A study at a restaurant setting showed that when pasta was served in different portion sizes on different days, people ate larger amounts on being served larger portions, regardless of the taste. Also, studies show that people do not adjust or eat less in subsequent meals if they have already had larger portions.
4. Technically a portion means the amount of food you choose to eat at one time - at a restaurant, from a package, or at home. A 'serving' size indicates the calories and nutrients in a certain serving listed under a product's 'nutrition facts' or a single unit or commonly regarded unit of food. The serving size is not the recommended amount to be eaten.
5. Sometimes, the portion size and serving size match; sometimes they don't. For example, one slice of bread equals one serving of bread. But the number of slices you eat would be the number of portions you have eaten, so if you have eaten two slices, you have consumed two portions.
6. So how do we recognise what's the right amount of food to eat on a regular basis? Learn to recognise standard serving sizes as they help you judge how much you are eating. It may also help to compare serving sizes to common objects
Q.(a) What does nutrition science believe in ?
Ans. There's no concept of good or bad food in nutrition science
(b) What do expanding waistline prove?
Ans.The trend, in general, has been towards consuming larger and larger food portions (expanding waistlines are proof of this.
(c) What is the difference between a 'protion' and a 'serving'?
Ans .The human mind seems to count the number of portions rather than the portion size. For example, when people say they have only one chapatti for lunch or dinner, they rarely discuss its size.
(d) What two facts about people's eating habits have studies hown?
A study at a restaurant setting showed that when pasta was served in different portion sizes on different days, people ate larger amounts on being served larger portions, regardless of the taste. Also, studies show that people do not adjust or eat less in subsequent meals if they have already had larger portions.
(e) Which word in paragraph 3 is the antonym of 'avoided'?
Ans – avoid
(f) What word in paragraph 1 is the synonym of 'eaten'?
Ans – eat
(h) which word in paragraph 6 means the same as 'normal'? Section-B [Writing]
Ans– unusual
2. Increase in the number of private vehicles has caused problems like rising air pollution, traffic jams, lack of parking space, road rage etc. The solution lies in the use of public transport. Write an article in 100-150 words on 'The Importance of 'Public Transport'. You are Ajay/Anju.
You saw a stray dog beaten by a group of boys. There act infuriated you and you scolded them for their cruel act. You decided to write an article on cruelty to animals. Write the article in 100-150 words. You are Nikhil/Naina.
3. On Teacher's Day, you read in a newspaper that privately owned and managed schools in small towns or even in the suburbs of metropolitan cities exploit their teachers by paying them just a fraction of their authorized salaries. This affects their performance in the classroom and thus the lives of their students. Write a letter in 120 150 words to the editor of a national daily raising your voice against such exploitation. Suggest ways to solve this problem. You are Navtej/Navita, 112 Taj Road, Agra.
You live in a crowded area in Mumbai. Unauthorized parking of vehicles in your area is causing a lot of inconvenience to the locals. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner of the District complaining against this practice. You are Rohan/Rohini of Sakinaka, Mumbai.
Section -C [Grammar]
4. (i) Change any one of the following sentences into indirect form of speech:
(a) My father said to me, "Do not laugh at the old beggar."
Ans.My father advised me not to laugh at the old beggar.
(b) The speaker said, "Ashoka won the respect of all races and classes by his justice."
Answer: The speaker said that Ashoka won the respect of all races and classes by his justice.
(ii) Combine any one set of the sentences as directed within the brackets:
(a) You must work hard. You will not get promotion. ( simple sentence]
Answer: unless you work hard you will not succeed.
(b) The Sun sets in the west. It is a fact. (Complex sentence)
Answer.That the sun sets in the west, is a fact.
(iii) Transform any one sentence as directed within the brackets:
(a) Kolkata is the biggest cityin India.
[Into comparative degree]
Answer.Kolkata is bigger than any other city in India.
(b) The children sand the National Anthem very Cheerfully.[Passive voice]
Ans. The nation anthem was sung by the children very cheerfully.
(iv) (a) Choose the correct sentence:
(i) Knowledge is even more preferable than riches.
(ii) Knowledge is preferable to riches.
(iii) Knowledge is even more preferable to riches.
(b) Choose the incorrect sentence:
(i) Unless you do not work hard, You cannot succeed.
(ii) He was present among the people.
(iii) He has been neither beaten nor punished.
(iv)He is rich enough to buy a scooter.
(v) Choose the correct meaning of each of the following idioms and phrases/ phrasal verbs: 2
(a) Bag and baggage:
(i) All the clothing
(ii) Without any belonging
(iii) Leave
(iv) With all one's belongings
(b) To end in smoke:
(i) To come to nothing
(ii) To gain importance
(iii) To reach target
(iv) To praise one self
(vi) Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of underlined idioms and phrases/phrasal verbs of the
following sentences:
(a) Inspite of the efforts of all peace loving people, world peace is still a far cry
(i) an abstract idea
(ii) a long way off
(iii) an impracticable idea
(iv) out of reach
(b) Sumit has to look high and low before he could find his scooter key.
(i) nowhere
(ii) always
(iii) everywhere
(iv) somewhere
(vii) Choose the correct synonyms of each of the following words: 2
(a) Delight:
(i) Tragedy
(ii) Disclose
(iii) Assist
(iv) Pleasure
(b) Overcome:
(i) Conquer (ii) Check (iii) Lift (iv) Victim
(viii) Choose the correct antonym of each of the following words: 2
(a) Expand:
(i) convent (ii) condense
(iii) congest (iv) conclude
(b) Acquit:
(i) retreat (ii) convict
(iii) conceal (iv) deprive
(ix) Substitute one word for the following group of expressions: 2
(a) Adocument written by hand.
(b) A child born after the death of his father.
(x) Choose the correct words which will correctly complete the given sentences:2
(a) You cannot row a boat without an
(i) ore
(ii) oar
(iii) or
(iv) none of these
(b) The.........of snow covered peaks is worth seeing:
(i) sight (ii) cite
(iii) site (iv) none of these
5. Translate the following into English:5
आशा के बिना मानव जीवन असम्भव है। यदि आशा न होती तो मनुष्य का जीवन बड़ा बोझिल और दुखमय हो जाता। विद्यार्थी साल भर कड़ा परिश्रम करते हैं केवल इसी आशा पर कि वे सफलता का मुख देखेंगे। एक किसान घोर उष्णता और शीत का तनिक भी ध्यान नहीं करता। इसी प्रकार व्यापारी लोग व्यापार में धन लगाते हैं। केवल इसी आशा का आश्रय लेकर ताकि उनका व्यापार उनके लिए लाभकारी सिद्ध हो । तभी से बुद्धिमान तथा महापुरुषों ने आशा को मानव रूपी जहाज का सम्बल कहा है।
Menslike lewe is onmoontlik sonder hoop. As daar geen hoop was nie, sou die lewe van die mens baie swaar en ellendig geword het. Studente werk hard deur die jaar net met die hoop dat hulle die gesig van sukses sal sien. ’n Boer steur hom nie aan uiterste hitte en koue nie. Net so belê sakelui geld in besigheid. Slegs deur hierdie hoop te skuil sodat hul besigheid voordelig vir hulle kan wees. Sedertdien het wyse en groot manne Asha die ondersteuning van 'n menslike skip genoem.
Section-D [Literature]
6. Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words each: 8
(a) What has been put up on the bulletin board? [The Last Lesson]
(b) Why did the peddler decline the invitation? [The Rattrap]
(c) Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of 25 percent refund to the farmer? [Indigo]
7. Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words:7
(a) Why was it so difficult for the teacher to leave his school? [The Last Lesson]
(b) Describe the incident at YMCA school. [Deep Water]
8. Read the given extract and answer the question that follow: 6
"Aunt Jennifer's fingers fluttering through her Find even the ivory needle hard to pull. The massive weight of Uncle's wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer's hand."
Q. (a) What is Aunt Jennifer doing with her wool?
(b) Why does the find it difficult to pull her ivory needle?
(c) Which figure of speech is used in the line 'the massive weight of Uncle's wedding band'?
9.Give the Central Idea of any one of the following poems:
(b) Keeping Quiet
(a) A Thing Of Beauty
Q10. Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words each:
(a) What did the royal infant grow up to be?
(b) Who was Hana? How did Sadao marry her?
[The Tiger King]
[The Enemy] (c) Which quality of Mr. Lamb attracted Derry towards him?
[On the Face of if]
11. Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words: 7
(a) Do you think that the third level was a medium escape for
[The Third Level]
Charley? Why?
(b) How does Jo want the story to end and why?
[Should Wizard Hit Mommy?]
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👉essay on lockdown samasya aur samadhan
👉एकल खाते को ज्वाइंट खाते में बलवाने हेतू
👉application for issuing new bank passbook
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