The trees Central Idia//द ट्रीज सेंट्रल आइडिया
Central Idia of the Trees
नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका हमारी वेब साइट subhansh पर यदि आप गूगल पर The trees poem central idia सर्च कर रहे हैं तो आप बिलकुल सही जगह पर आ गए हैं हम आपको इस poem का सेंट्रल idia हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों में बताएंगे, इसलिए आप पोस्ट को पूरा जरूर पढ़ें यदि आपको पोस्ट पसन्द आए तो अपने दोस्तो को भी शेयर करें यदि आप कुछ पूछना चाहते हैं तो आप हमारे youtube chennal Subhansh classes पर कॉमेंट करके ज़रूर पूछ लीजिएगा
06, The Trees (Adrienne Rich)
Central Idia of the Trees
The poem The Trees by Adrienne Rich shows the conflict between man and nature with the growth and development of the society, human beings have used nature for their own benefit and caused a lot of harm to natural environment. The poetess wants to give the message that the presence of few trees inside our homes does not give us the feeling of nature She suggests here that the trees and plants used in interior decoration are as imprisoned Real nature is outside, in the forest that we have destroyed. The poem tells us how the trees want to break free from the walls that humans have put around them and go out into the forest. The poetess says that everything has a deep desire of freedom. It is necessary for growth and well-being so, we must follow the laws of nature.
एडरिअन रिच द्वारा लिखित कविता 'पेड़' मनुष्य एवं प्रकृति के मध्य का संघर्ष दर्शाती है। समाज के विकास एवं वृद्धि के साथ, मनुष्यों ने प्रकृति का उपयोग स्वयं के हित हेतु किया है एवं प्राकृतिक वातावरण को बहुत ज्यादा अति पहुँचाई है। कवियित्री यह सन्देश देना चाहती हैं कि हमारे घरों के अन्दर कुछ पेड़ों की उपस्थिति हमें प्रकृति की अनुभूति नहीं प्रदान करती। वह यह भी बताती है कि आन्तरिक सजावट के उपयोग में किए गए पेड़ एवं पौधे भी कैद ही है। वास्तविक प्रकृति बाहर है, उन जंगलों में जिनका हमने विनाश कर दिया है। कविता हमें बताती है कि कैसे वृक्ष उनके इर्द-गिर्द मनुष्यों द्वारा बनाई गई चारदीवारी को तोड़कर जंगलों में जाना चाहते हैं। कवियित्री कहती है कि प्रत्येक वस्तु आज़ाद होने की गहन इच्छा रखती है। यह विकास एवं सेहत के लिए आवश्यक है, अतः हमें प्रकृति के नियमों का पालन अवश्य करना चाहिए।
Q1.. (i) Where are the trees in the poem? What do their roots, their leaves and their twigs do? कविता में वृक्ष कहाँ है? उनकी जड़े, उनकी पत्तियाँ एवं उनकी टहनियों क्या करती है?
(ii) What does the poetess compare their branches to?
कवियित्री उनकी शाखाओं की तुलना किससे करती है?
(i) In the poem, the trees are in the poetess house. The roots of the trees work all night to release themselves from the cracks in the veranda floor. The leaves try very hard to move towards the window glass and put a lot of pressure on it so that it breaks and they free themselves.
The small twigs (branches) have become very hard due to applying a lot of pressure to free themselves.
(ii) The poet compares the branches to newly discharged patients from a clinic. The larger branches of the trees become cramped (bent) because of being inside the walls and under the roof as they cannot move. When they get free, they move hurrily outside due to which they fall on each other. While doing so, they look half-shocked like the patients, who wait for a long time to get out from a clinic.
2Q. (i) How does the poet describe the moon: (a) at the beginning of the third stanza and (b) at its end? What causes this change? कवियित्री ने चन्द्रमा का विवरण किस प्रकार किया है:
(a) तीसरे छन्द के प्रारम्भ में एवं
(b) उसके अन्त में।
यह बदलाव किस कारण होता है?
(ii) What happens to the house when the trees move out of it?
जब वृक्ष बाहर चले जाते हैं तो घर का क्या होता है? (iii) Why do you think the poet does not mention "the departure of the forest from the house" in her letters?
आपके विचार में कवियित्री ने 'घर से वन के प्रस्थान' का उल्लेख अपने पत्रों में क्यों नहीं किया?
Could it be that we are often silent about important happenings that are so unexpected that they embarrass us? Think about this again when you answer the next set of questions.
क्या ऐसा हो सकता है कि अक्सर हम उन महत्त्वपूर्ण घटनाओं के विषय में मौन रहते हैं जो इतनी अप्रत्याशित होती हैं कि वे हमें शर्मिंदा करती हैं? इस
विषय में पुनः विचार कीजिए जब आप इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें।
Ans. (a) At the beginning of the third stanza, the poet says that the whole moon is shining in the open sky.
(b) At the end of the poem, the poet describes that the moon breaks into pieces like a broken mirror and seems like a crown on the top of the tallest oak tree. The cause of this change is that as the trees move outside, their branches cover some parts of the moon due to which it can be seen only in parts. This is why it seems that the moon has broken into pieces.
(ii) When the trees move out of the house, the glass on the windows will break. In addition, the house will go completely silent as the smell of the leaves and lichens which was coming from the rooms like a voice will no longer be smelt or heard.
(iii) The post does not mention about 'the departure of the forest from the house' in her letters probably because she is both
puzzled (shocked) and embarrassed at the sudden happening.
She did not expect the forest to move out of the house one day.
The poet does not mention about the departure of the forest from the house in her letters because it is a part of human nature to remain quite or ignore important matters of life. Even after knowing the importance of trees, human beings cut it for decorative purposes. The unexpected movement led the poet to the realisation of the natural habitat of trees, fe forests. Thus, she is embarrassed and does not mention the departure in her letters
Q3. Does the poem present a conflict between man and nature? Compare it with 'A Tiger in the Zoo'. Is the poet suggesting that plants and trees, used for interior decoration in cities while forests are cut down, are Imprisoned and need to break out? क्या कविता मनुष्य एवं प्रकृति के मध्य संघर्ष प्रस्तुत करती है? इसकी 'चिड़ियाघर में एक बाघ' से तुलना कीजिए। क्या कवियित्री यह सुझाव देती है।
कि बने के कटने के दौरान शहरों में आन्तरिक सजावट के लिए प्रयुक्त पौधे पेड़, 'कैद' है एवं उन्हें यह जेल तोड़कर भागने की आवश्यकता है?
Ans. Yes, the poem The Trees' presents a conflict between man and nature. According to the poem, man is responsible for the degradation of nature. He uses nature for his own benefit without thinking of its consequences.
Not only trees, but man is also endangering animals. The poem A Tiger in a Zoo' by Leslie Norris also presents a conflict between man and nature. In this poem, a tiger who should have been living free is caged.
Both plants and animals have come under the mercy of man who has no value for them. Man has not only enslaved animals but also imprisoned the trees and plants within the walls of his house. He cuts forests and uses trees as ornaments/ decoration for his house. As a result, the trees revolt. The poem "The Trees' thus presents the need of trees to break
out of the enclosed spaces and live in their natural habitata i.e. forests.
परीक्षा में पाठ्य पुस्तक से किसी भी Poem का एक अंश (Stanza) दिया जाता है तथा उस पर आधारित 2 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने होते हैं। यहाँ पर Stanza के साथ 2 से अधिक Questions दिए गए हैं, जो केवल विद्यार्थियों के सम्पूर्ण अभ्यास के लिए है। परीक्षा में 2-2 अको के 2 ही प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे।
Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follows.
1.The trees inside are moving out into the forest, the forest that was empty all these days where no bird could sit no insect hide no sun bury its feet in shadow the forest that was empty all these nights will be full of trees by morning.
(i)Where are the trees moving from? How was the forest on all nights?
(ii)Who could not use the trees?
(iii) Why the birds or insects not use the trees?
(iv)What does the poetess mean by empty forest? Why is empty?
(v) No sun bury its feet in shadow, explain this line.
(i) The trees are moving from the house into the forest?
(ii) The forest was empty on all nights.
(iii) The birds, insects and sun could not use the trees.go
(iv) The birds can't sit and the insects can't hide in the trees because they are decorative only.
(v) Empty forest means forest with no trees and it is so because humans have destroyed the forests for building cities and for other uses.
(vi) Since the forests were empty, sunlight could reach the grounddirectly and could never hide under the shadows of trees.
2. All night the roots work to disengage themselves from the cracks in the veranda floor.The leaves strain toward the glass small twigs stiff with exertion long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof like newly discharged patients half-dazed, moving to the clinic doors.
(i) What do the roots work all night?
(ii) Why are the boughs cramped?
(iii) What are the boughs compared to?
(iv) What has become stiff due to exertion?
(v) Explain 'newly discharged patients, half dazed'
(i) The roots work all night to free themselves from the cracks of veranda floor.
(ii) The boughs are cramped because they do not have the space to stand erect due to the walls and roofs built over them.
(iii) The boughs are compared to newly discharged patients who are half-dazed.
(iv) The small twigs of trees have become stiff due to exertion.
(v) This line tells us that the cramped boughs of trees have been bent for so long that when they go out in the open forest, they are surprised to see that they can stand erect and feel like newly discharged patients who are also surprised to see themselves recover.
3.I sit inside, doors open to the veranda writing long letters in which I scarcely mention the departure of the forest from the house. The night is fresh, the whole moon shines in a sky still open the smell of leaves and lichen still reaches like a voice into the rooms.
(i) Where do the doors open to?
(ii) What is the poetess doing?
(iii) What does she not mention in her letters?
(iv) How is the night and the sky?
(v) Describe the night on which the forest moves out.
(i) The doors open to the veranda.
(ii) The poetess is writing long letters.
(iii) She does not mention the departure of forest from her house in her letters.
(iv) The night is fresh and the sky is open.
(v) The night on which the forests move out is fresh, the sky is clear and the full moon shines brightly in the open sky.
4.My head is full of whispers which tomorrow will be silent. Listen. The glass is breaking. of the tallest oak.The trees are stumbling forward into the night. Winds rush to meet them.The moon is broken like a mirror, its pieces flash now in the crown
(i) Why will the whispers be silent tomorrow?
(ii) Who rushes out to meet the trees?
(iii) Why is the glass breaking?
(iv) What is broken like a mirror?
(v) Where do its pieces flash?
(vi) Why are the trees stumbling?
(i) The whispers will be silent tomorrow because the trees will move outside to the forest.
(ii) Wind rushes out to meet the trees.
(iii) The glass is breaking because the trees are stumbling forward to go out.
(iv) The moon is broken like a mirror.
(v) Its pieces flash in the crown of the tallest oak.
(vi) The trees are stumbling because they hurry to move outside after breaking the glass.
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