Figures of Speech
Figures of speech with example in English
Most important question of Figure of speech
Simile (उपमा अलंकार)
In a simile, comparison is made between two distinctly different things, especially using, like, or/and as.
1. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.
2. Or from star-like eyes doth seek.
Metaphor (रूपक अलंकार)
It is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two seemingly unlike things without using the connective words like, as, than or resembles. It is an implied simile.
1. Life is a dream.
2. I see a lily on thy brow.
Personification (मानवीकरण अलंकार)
Personification gives life to inanimate objects or makes animals look human.
1. "How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world."
2. Truth sits upon the lips of dying men.
Apostrophe (सम्बोधक अलंकार)
In apostrophe, the speaker directly addresses an absent or dead person, an abstract quality or something non-human as if it were present and capable of responding.
1. Frailty, thy name is woman!
2. Little lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Hyperbole (अतिशयोक्ति अलंकार)
It is used as a great exaggeration.
1. River of blood flowed in the battle.
2. The waves rose mountains high.
It is used when two terms are combined that in ordinary usage are contradictory.
1. He is an open secret.
(ध्वनि अनुकरणात्मक अलंकार)
The use of a word, whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning.
1. I chatter, chatter as I flow,
To join the brimming river.
2. And beauty born of murmuring sound, Shall pass into her face.
Most important Examples
Point out the figures of speech in the following.
1. Life is a sweet poison.
2. Let not Ambition mock their useful toil.
3. The snakes are hissing and the bees are buzzing.
4. Opportunity knocks at the door but once.
5. Belinda smiled and all the world was gay.
6. Frailty! Thy name is woman.
7. Anxiety is sitting on her face.
8. Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
9. O Judgement! Thou art fled to brutish beasts.
10. Love is the spice of life.
11. I chatter, chatter as I flow. To the brimming river.
12. Life is a dream.
13. Death lays its icy hands on kings.
14. And having nothing, he hath all.
15. Hope is the poor man's bread.
16. Ten thousand saw I at a glance.
17. I heard the water lapping on the crag.
18. The city's voice itself is soft like solitude's.
19. Revenge is a kind of wild justice.
20. O solitude! Where are thy charms!
21. Break, break, break, on thy cold grey stones; O seal 22. I wandered lonely as a cloud.
23. O sweet content! Where is thy mild abode?
1. Oxymoron
2. Personification
3. Onomatopoeia
4. Personification
5. Hyperbole
6. Apostrophe
7. Personification
8. Metaphor
9. Apostrophe
10. Metaphor
11. Onomatopoeia
12. Metaphor
18. Personification
14. Oxymoron
15. Metaphor
16. Hyperbole
17. Onomatopoeia
18. Simile
19. Metaphor
20. Apostrophe
21. Personification
22. Simile
23. Apostrophe
2017 (All Sets)
1. She wept oceans of tears.
2. Whose armour is his honest thought. 3. Whose conscience is his strong retreat.
4. Break, break, break, on thy cold grey stones, O sea!
5. O World! O life! O time !
On whose last steps. I climb,
1. Hyperbole
4. Apostrophe
2. Metaphor
5. Apostrophe
3. Metaphor
Most Important Question
1. My love is like a red, red rose.
2. She hangs like a star in the dew of our song.
3. Look like the innocent flower.
4. Life is a tale told by an idiot.
5. Life is but a walking shadow.
6. Hope is the poor man's bread. 7. This sea that bares her bosom to the moon.
8. Truth sits upon the lips of dying men.
9. Life! I know not what thou art.
10. And out of joy, his heart jumped miles high.
11. Ten thousand saw I at a glance.
12. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little
13. And having nothing, he hath all.
14. And beauty born of murmuring sound, shall pass into her face.
15. The snakes are hissing and the bees are buzzing.
1. Simile.
2. Simile
3. Simile
4. Metaphor
5. Metaphor
6. Metaphor
7. Personification
8. Personification
9. Apostrophe
10. Hyperbole
11. Hyperbole
12. Hyperbole
13. Oxymoron
14. Onomatopoeia
15. Onomatopoeia
Most Important Question
1. She is as firm as a rock.
2. I wandered lonely as a cloud.
3. I see a lily on thy brow.
4. Authority forgets a dying king.
5. There is a friendly animosity between Hari and Shyam.
1. Simile
2. Simile
3. Metaphor
4. Personification
5. Oxymoron
Most Important Question
1. Integrity is the backbone of character.
2. How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
3. This is an open secret.
4. Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all.
5. I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore.
1. Metaphor
2. Personification
3. Oxymoron
4. Oxymoron
5. Onomatopoeia
Most Important Question
1. She is lovely like a rose.
2. Like the sky shake they come. That strings the unseen, like stripped murderer.
3. She is a fen of stagnant water.
4. Let not ambition mock their useful toil.
5. O Julius Caesar! thou art mighty yet.
6. Frailty, thy name is woman!
7. Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts.
8. "Lord of himself, though not of lands. And having nothing, he hath all."
1. Simile
2. Simile
3. Metaphor
4. Personification
5. Apostrophe
6. Apostrophe
7. Oxymoron
8. Oxymoron
Most Important Question
1. She shall be sportive as the fawn.
2. So like a shattered column lay the king.
3. She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon's knife.
4. The camel is the ship of the desert.
5. He is now in the sunset of his days.
6. Fair science frowned not on his humble birth. And melancholy marked him for her own.
7. Laughter holds both her sides.
8. The cloud puts forth its deluge straight, When lightening cleaves its breast.
9. Fair is foul and foul is fair.
10. The moan of doves in immemorial elms, And murmuring of innumerable bees.
1. Simile
2. Simile
3. Oxymoron
4. Metaphor
5. Metaphor
6. Personification
7. Personification
8. Personification
9. Oxymoron
10. Onomatopoeia
Most Important Question
1. Live like a hermit.
2. She skims like a bird on the foam of a stream.
3. The city's voice itself is soft like solitude's.
4. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale.
5. She is the pillar of the state.
6. Experience is the best teacher.
7. Life is bitter sweet.
8. The guns of hunters snap and crack.
9. Sunflowers nod in the hot fields, And apple buds laugh into blossom.
10. The daisy smiled at the morning Sun.
11. O sweet content! where is thy mild abode!
12. Exult, O shores! and ring O bella!
13. Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean-roll!
14. My friend is regularly irregular.
15. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowi herd winds slowly o'er the lea.
1. Simile.
2. Simile
3. Simile
4. Simile
5. Metaphor
6. Personification
7. Oxymoron
8. Onomatopoeia
9. Personification
10. Personification
11. Apostrophe
12. Apostrophe
13. Apostrophe
14. Oxymoron
15. Metaphor
Most Important Question
1. She falls like a tear from the eyes of a bride.
2. I see the waves upon the shore, like light dissolved in
star-showers thrown.
3. He is the pillar of the administration.
4. There is a dagger in thy words.
5. O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low?
6. They build the nation's pillars deep. And lift them to the sky.
7. But still fought on, nor knew that he was dead.
1. Simile
2. Simile
3. Metaphor
4. Metaphor
5. Apostrophe
6. Hyperbole
7. Oxymoron
Most Important Question
1. Lightly! O Lightly! We glide and we sing We hear her along like a pearl on a string.
2. King James-I was known as the wisest fool in Christendom.
3. Revenge is a kind of wild justice.
4. Heart with equal love combined. Kindle never-dying fires.
5. Love is blind.
6. My cheek grow cold and hear the sea.
7. Thus nature spake the work was done How soon my Lucy's race was run.
8. O Julius Caesar! Thou are mighty yet.
9. O Captain! my Captain! our fearful ship is done.
10. James I was the wisest fool.
1. Simile
2. Oxymoron
3. Metaphor
4. Personificatio
5. Personification
6. Personification
7. Personification
8. Apostrophe
9. Apostrophe
10. Oxymoron
Most Important Question
1. I could lie down like a tired child and weep away the
life of care.
2. We are the voices of wandering wind which moan for
rest and rest can never find.
3. The ship has weather'd every rack.
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Personification
Most Important Question
1. As shines the Moon in the clouded sky, she in her poor
attire was seen.
2. Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow.
3. Pride goeth forth on horseback, grand and gay,
But cometh back on foot and begs its way.
4. The red flame to the corners four which crept, and licked and flickered finding out his flesh and feeding on it with swift hissing tongues.
1. Simile
2. Simile
3. Personification
4. Personification
Most Important Question
1. O my love's like red rose that newly spring in June.
2. Why man, if the rivers were dry, I am able to fill it with
3. Childhood is a swiftly passing dream.
4. A lie has no legs.
5. Peace hath her victories no less renowned than wars
1. Simile
2. Hyperbole
3. Metaphor
4. Personification
5. Personification
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