
Essay on Terrorism,The problem of beggars,The population problem in india, An indian leader,The change Face of our village's

 Essay on Terrorism

Essay on The Problem of Beggars

Essay on The Population Problem in India

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi - The Father of the Nation

Essay on An indian leader

The Changing Face of Our Villages

Essay on Terrorism,The problem of beggars,The population problem in india, An indian leader,The change Face of our village'sEssay on Terrorism   Essay on The Problem of Beggars   Essay on The Population Problem in India   Essay on Mahatma Gandhi - The Father of the Nation   Essay on An indian leader   The Changing Face of Our Villages,

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 The Changing Face of Our Villages

Rural Development in India

 1. Introduction, 

2. Condition before freedom, 

3. Changes in the villages,

4. Conclusion

Introduction –India is an agricultural country. About eighty per cent of her people live in villages. Gandhiji, the Father of our Nation, used to say, "If you want to see India, see her in villages." So the prosperity of the country depends upon the prosperity of the Indian villages.

Before freedom– the condition of the village's was miserable. Our farmers were very poor and they were always in debt. It was said, "An Indian farmer is born in debt, lives in debt and dies in debt." The poor villagers were in the firm grip of the zamindars who gave them land to cultivate at a very high rent. The cruel money lenders lent them money at very high rate of interest. There was poverty and ignorance everywhere.

After independence – the condition of the villages is improving. Villages in large numbers have been linked with cities through roads. Arrangements of electric supply and water supply have been made. Things are being arranged in such a way that modern facilities reach every village soon. Villagers are now using new methods of farming. There is a network of tube-wells in every village for irrigation.

Changes in the villages – 

New schools are being opened. Bank facilities are available in almost every village. Majority of the houses are built of bricks and cement. There is a Panchayat Ghar in every village. T. V. sets have been provided to these Panchayat Ghars. Programmes relayed on T. V. tell the villagers new methods of farming. Night schools for adults are run at night in these Panchayat Ghars. Many of their quarrels are now decided by the village Panchayats. Newspapers are reaching villages. [Hiteracy, various superstitions and social evils are disappearing.

'Pradhan mantri avash yojna ' and 'pradhan mantri ujjvla yojna' are the two latest steps to improve the condition of villages.

Conclusion. The villages youths after getting education in cities are imparting new knowledge and new awakening to the villagers. They now understand the importance of family planning and after-effects of the evils of child marriages and drinking.

Under Five-Year Plans the Government has done a lot for all-round development of the villages yet much remains to be done. Private social agencies and social workers should co-operate with the Government for rural development.

            An Indian Leader

Mahatma Gandhi - The Father of the Nation

1. Introduction, 2. Birth and parentage, 3. His education, 4. Work in South Africa, 5. His services to India, 6. His principles, 7. Conclusion 

"Gandhi was a unique combination of greatness and grace. Such a man is born

but once in a millennium.

IntroductionMahatma Gandhi was the greatest man of his age. He was not only a great politician but also a great social and religious leader. Gandhiji believed in the fundamentals of his ancient culture. He declared that the highest form of service of the great mother was social service. He gave message of peace to the whole world and believed in humanity. He was deeply influenced by the West and 19th century European liberalism. He loved his country people very much. So the nation called him 'Bapu, the father of nation.

 Birth and parentageMahatma Gandhi was born at Porbander in Kathiawar on October 2, 1869. His father Kaba Gandhi was the Diwan of Rajkot. His mother was a very noble and religious lady.

His educationHe was sent to school at the age of seven. He was shy and did not mix with the boys of his age. But he was very honest and hardworking. He had no liking for games and gymnastics. He was married to Kasturba at the age of thirteen. He passed the Entrance Examination at the age of seventeen. He was sent to England for higher education.

Work in South AfricaOn his return from England he began to practise as barrister in Bombay High Court, but he was not successful in the profession. In 1913, he left for South Africa in order to plead the case of a firm named Dada Abdulla & Co. During his stay there, he fully studied the condition of Indians in South Africa. The behaviour of the Whites towards the Indians shocked him very much. He fought against the British Government to improve the lot of Indians there. He started Satyagrah Movement for the rights of the Indians. He did not take rest till the Indian Relief Act was passed.

His services to IndiaGandhi returned to India in 1915 and joined the Indian National Congress. He started the Non-co-operation Movement in 1920 and Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930. He always worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. In 1942, he started the Quit India Movement. He was sent to jail many times. In 1947 India became free.

His principlesGandhiji's main principles were truth and non-violence. His experiment with the weapon of non-violence in the context of India was indeed, an attempt to demonstrate to the entire world the effectiveness of this weapon. He believed in universal brotherhood and love. He was of the opinion that if we have conflict with Englishmen, let us not hates the Englishmen because both Englishmen and Indians are offspring of the same divinity. This attitude would enable us to love the evil-doer while hating the evil. He respected all religions equally because he said essence of all religions truth. He advocated universal brotherhood over and above narrower loyalties to nations and religions.


On January 30, 1948 he was shot dead by Nathu Ram Vinayak Godse in a prayer assembly at Birla House, Delhi. Gandhiji lived and died for love, truth and non violence. He was one of those prophets like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Ram and Krishna who gave light to the world. So long as India lives and Indian freedom lives, the name of Gandhi will be remembered.

The Population Problem in India


 The Need for Family planning in India


The Most Pressing Problem of Our Country


Population control: The Curse of Our Population

1. Introduction, 2. Effects of overpopulation, 3. Cause of growth, 4. Need for family planning, 5. Steps to check the population growth, 6. Conclusion.

1. Introduction

"I am convinced that today the population problem is as important as any facing mankind including even peace - for in the long run, true and enduring peace will not be possible without stabilized population growth. "

India faces a number of problems. The most pressing problem before our country, at present, is the problem of population. India's population is growing by leaps and bounds. China is first in population in the world. Next comes India. At the time of Independence, our population was thirty crores. Now it is more than 100 crores Every year we have a new Australia added to our population. If this problem is not solved, India cannot be a happy, healthy and a prosperous nation.

Effects of overpopulationThe effects of overpopulation are felt everywhere. The trains are overcrowded. The land in villages is divided and further divided. The number of unemployed persons is increasing. Forests are disappearing. The housing problem is growing serious day by day.

 Cause of growthThere are many causes behind this problem. India is a hot country. So naturally we have a high birth rate. Due to better medical facilities death rate has fallen. Our social customs are also responsible for making this problem serious. A childless person or an unmarried man is not respected anywhere. In villages marriages are arranged at an early age and a widower with children marries again. Due to advancement of medical science the expectation of life at birth has risen for the last 50 years. Another cause of over-population is general prosperity which has nearly banished under-feeding as a cause of ill health.

Need for family planningThere is an urgent need to check the population growth. For this, family planning is the only remedy. "Family Planning or Welfare' means keeping under control the number of children in the family. Planned family is the need of the hour. We should keep this point in mind that the less the number of children, the better they will be looked after and better and happier will their life be.


Steps to check the population growthThe government of India is very serious to check the ever-increasing population of the country. In our Five-Year Plans, the government of India allotted crores of rupees for this purpose. Family Planning centres have been started all over the country. Birth control appliances are distributed free among the people. Government servant is not allowed to have two wives at a time. He is expected to have two or three children only. The abortion in some cases has been made legal. The marriage age for boys and girls has been increased.

ConclusionThe population explosion is a threat to our national development. All efforts must be made to limit the size of the families. For the success of the family planning programme, the co-operation of the people is very necessary.

        The Problem of Beggars

1. Introduction, 2. Types of beggars, 3. Different ways of begging, 4. Causes, 5 Suggestions to check, 6. Conclusion.

1. Introduction

Beggars are those who depend upon others' charity for their livelihood. They are very common in our country. They are increasing in number endlessly. Standing at the roadside, one seldom fails to notice a beggar or two asking for alms or charity. In India begging has become a profession. India contains the largest number of beggar in the world. Foreigners call our country a land of beggars. The problem of beggars is one of the most pressing problems that India is facing.

Beggars are found everywhere. In every town, at every turn or corner or crossing we can see them. They cry for help, for alms, for a handful of flour or a few paise. We can also see them around the railway stations, bus stands, religious places, dharmshalas, on the bathing ghats and in the fairs etc.

Types of beggars –There are various types of beggars. There are disabled beggars as lame, the blind the deaf, the dumb and the lepers. Others are religious beggars as sadhus, the faquirs, the priests and pandits. We also find children beggars. These are real orphans. Some lazy people who cannot earn their livelihood by doing manual or mental labour become beggars. The sick, the disabled, the homeless and destitute deserve our sympathy and we should do something for them. Some are beggars by necessity and some by profession.

Different ways of beggingThese beggars adopt different ways of begging. Some beggars sing religious songs. Some take the help of music. Some of them repeat some favourite words loudly. Some beggars go from door to door.

CausesThe causes of the increase in number of beggars are many. Poverty is one of the major causes of begging. Unemployment and increasing population have also been responsible for the same. The generous and hospitable nature of Indians is also one of the causes. They consider it their religious duty to give something to the beggars. Some people think that there may be God in the disguise of beggars. So he should not go disappointed from their door. Thousands of pilgrimage places scattered all over India, provide good shelter to these beggars. There are many places like Varanasi, Puri, Haridwar and Gaya where beggary has become a trade and has been recognised by society and the state.

Suggestions to check – It is a very grave problem which demands immediate attention of the government. In many European countries beggary is a crime. It is declared unlawful for a man or a woman of sound body to beg publicly. There are vagrant houses, orphanages and destitute houses where helpless, the aged or the orphans or the disabled are sheltered at state expense. The state has to devise laws for checking the growth of beggars. People should be taught against the evil practice. The press can also play a great role in this respect. We must make it clear to the people that there is no special glory or Punya in giving charity to able-bodied persons. Beggars' associations should be declared illegal. Work houses should be established by the government.

ConclusionBeggars are a shame to our country. Those who are fit and healthy should be encouraged to earn their living. When the dark spot of beggars is washed off, India can claim to be a civilized country.


1. Introduction, 2. Causes, 3. Bad effects, 4. Conclusion.

 Introduction –Terrorism is the use of violence by a small group of people to get its demands fulfilled. Every morning we read in the newspapers about the cruel acts of terrorism committed by terrorists. Sometimes it is a murder of a number of innocent persons, sometimes it is the murder of some eminent leader or journalist. Reports of bomb explosions on the crowded platforms or in the main markets of the big cities are often heard and seen. Fish plates are removed from railway tracks causing many railway accidents. No person is safe these days due to this great evil of terrorism.

CausesTerrorism is an outcome of some people's selfish motives. There are some narrow minded people who on regional, linguistic and other basis want to divide our nation into small compartments. They want to establish their supremacy. Nowadays some of the politicians are also responsible for increasing terrorism. They don't want the problems to be sorted out. Due to lack of ethics in Indian politics, vote banks of different parties exist on the basis of caste, creed, religion etc. Hence they want the problems to continue.

Bad effectsTerrorism is growing day by day. Thousands of innocent persons have met their tragic end in the Punjab due to it. In many other places also besides the Punjab, the terrorists have made life a hell for people. The terrorists caused serious train accidents in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Communal terrorism has appeared again in the new shape. Thus the terrorists throw bombs on peaceful religious processions in order to create terror and disturb the normal life. Such acts are harmful to the society. People are so terrified that they hesitate in going out of their houses. They fear to assemble in the marriage parties. Man has lost faith in man. We are afraid of travelling in the aeroplanes due to these terrorists.


If we want to live in peace, we should face terrorism boldly. Government should take the strongest action against these people as they are the greatest enemies of the human society. Peace and prosperity can prevail if terrorism is ended. To make the world free from terrorism and make it a happier place to live in we have to rise above all narrow loyalties. Not only in terrorism affected areas but in other parts also routine and higher activities of mankind get disrupted. Every year lot of money, energy and time is spent on it so the governments of such countries should take some decisive actions to root out the problem of terrorism on permanent basis.

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