The Ambition of Your Life
Influence of Cinema on Indian Social Life
Your Favourite Heroine of Indian History (Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi)
Your favourite Hero of Indian History (Shivaji)
The Place of Mother in Home
India of Your Dreams
India in the 21st Century
India of Your Dreams
1. Introduction
2. Progress of India in various fields
3. Conclusion.
1. Introduction –We have recently crossed the threshold of the 21st century. It is difficult to guess about the future. But on the basis of the progress which India is making in various fields, we can make a mental picture of the shape of India in the 21st century. We have an optimistic picture of the country before us.
Progress of India in various fields
Political field - In the political field India will be one of the most powerful nations of the world. The policy of non-alignment will bear fruit. India will not join any power block. She will fight a war against terrorism and injustice.
Industry - India will make a great progress in the field of industry. She will feed and clothe the needy nations. Her goods will have great demand in the world market. If such industrial growth continues, she will come in line with many advanced nations of the world.
Computer technology - In the 21st century, India will make great progress in computer technology. The computer will modernise our country. It will make our work easier in all fields. It will control rail and road transport of our country. It will impart education even in primary schools of India. It will be very useful in commerce and industry at the grass-root level.
Social field - In the 21st century, India would be happier socially and economically. Social evils as drugs, gambling, child marriages, unequal matches, dowry deaths, untouchability and begging would be a thing of the past. In 21st century India there is remarkable change in women's position. In every walk of life their contribution is being recognised. They have proved their efficiency and capability of maintaining a balance between family and job. Number of working women is increasing very fast. They are getting better upbringing, education and career.
Education - The new policy of Education will take the country on the path of progress and prosperity. In the 21st century we shall have an India which will have cent percent literacy like other advanced nations of the world. There will be communal harmony in the country. Anti-national and anti-social activities will not be allowed to persist.
Agriculture - In near future India will make progress in agriculture. It will be completely modernized. Scientific farming will make the country self-sufficient and prosperous and she will be in a position to export food-grains.
Space Exploration In the 21st century India will go further with her space programme and launch her satellite. She will make great progress in space exploration. Late Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian woman astronaut in NASA, was the pride of India. She created history by becoming the first Indian woman to rocket into space on a NASA Fact Finding Mission on microgravity. She died in the Columbia space shuttle disaster in 2003.
It is hoped that in the 21st century, India may become one of the happiest nations of the world. But we have to work very hard to enter into 21st century.
The Place of Mother in Home
The Place of Mother in the Family
1. Introduction
2. The place of mother in the family
3. Mother: as a woman
4. Conclusion
"Woman is God's Best Creation. She adds beauty and charm to every aspect of life and woman is the perennial source of inspiration for man in the odyssey of life.
Woman, God's most beautiful creation on earth is a symbol of W-wisdom, 0 – origin, M – motherhood, E – energy and N - nectar. The combination of these qualities is the rising sun of every nation. In short everything good in this world comes from women. The origin of a child is mother and that is nothing but a woman. When God created man he also created woman because he knew that man alone would not sustain the world.
The place of mother in the family –The primary school of a child is his home. The first teacher of a child is his mother. A child, first of all, comes in contact with his mother. The first lesson which a child learns is given by his mother. A mother teaches her child to speak; she holds his finger and teaches him to move on his foot. No dictionary has words enough to define a 'mother'. Infact she is the most precious creature in the world. She is next to God. She is a producer, a protector, and a provider, a power of tolerance, an embodiment of love and affection and epitome of integrity, understanding and sacrifice and so many other qualities wrapped in one. She always has enough enthusiasm to carry out her duties, to take care of her children and make sacrifice for them. All her love is for her children. Love, sacrifice, care and tolerance she shows for them is a lesson for her children. Without her presence survival of family is unimaginable. As without a place for worship in the home peace cannot be felt, the same way without mother home does not seem like a home. She takes care of each and every member of the family. She is the only person in home who maintains a system and discipline in family. Without mother a home becomes no less than a jungle. She is the first person in family to induce in her children a sense of right or wrong. We can quote an example of Mother Teresa who did not give birth to any child but still is called 'Mother' by all. She had all the motherly qualities, hence people loved and respected her as a mother.
Mother: as a woman – We all know that today's girl would be tomorrow's mother. Then why is there large-scale discrimination against women? Why are women treated as second class citizens since their birth? Why is the desire for a son so strong in every family in India ? We even deny the girl child the right to be born! And her only crime is that SHE IS A GIRL! Is girlhood a stigma ? Can we dream of a society with just male population? This is not the end of discrimination. The atrocities against women start even before they are born. With the connivance of greedy doctors, lakhs of parents in certain parts of the country, in their eagerness to have sons only, get rid of daughters through sex determination test, indulge in the crime of female foeticide. Why do we possess such a partial approach to women?
Conclusion –All such discrimination against a girl or a woman should be stopped because every girl has to be mother one day. There should be no discrimination in education of a girl and a boy. Only an educated and sanskaarvan mother can give good lesson and sanskar to her children. She should be physically and mentally fit. It is absolutely correct to say that when woman moves, the family moves, the society moves and the nation moves.
Your favourite Hero of Indian History (Shivaji)
1. Introduction,
2. Birth and parentage,
3. Early Conquest,
4. His fight against Mughals
5. His qualities,
6. Conclusion.
Introduction –Our country has produced great heroes, patriots and warriors from time to time. Indian history abounds with the brave deeds of heroes, like Shivaji and Rana Pratap. My favourite hero is Shivaji. He was a great nationalist. He lived and died for the glory of the country.
Birth and parentage –Shivaji was born in 1627 in the hill fort of Shivner in Maharashtra. His father was a Jagirdar. His mother Jijabai was a religious lady. She told him the stories of great heroes from the Mahabharat and the Ramayan. She moulded his character in such a way as made him 'Shivaji the Great'. Guru Ramdas also influenced his life most. Shivaji received education at home. In his boyhood he learnt horse riding, swimming and the use of various arms and weapons.
Early Conquest – At the early age of seventeen he thought of becoming independent. So he collected a small army of loyal Marathas. He trained them in guerilla war-fare. With their help he began to conquer one fort after another. First of all he won the fort of Toran. There he got much wealth and weapons. Then he built a fort of his own at Durg.
His fight against Mughals –Shivaji thought Mughal Emperors alien. So he started attacking the Mughal territories. The Sultan of Bijapur sent a large army against him under Afzal Khan. But he killed Afzal Khan tactfully with his claws of steel. Emperor Aurangzeb also sent
Shaista Khan against him with a large army but he also lost the battle. Then
Aurangzeb requested Shivaji to come to the Mughal court and promised him rewards and honours. There he was taken a prisoner. But he managed. to escape from the prison in a basket of flowers and sweets. After his freedom, Shivaji was always a sore in the eyes of Aurangzeb.
His qualities – In the later years Shivaji came to be known as an independent king. He was a great patriot, brave soldier and worthy statesman. He had wonderful power for organization and leadership. He always consulted his ministers before taking an important decision. He had equal respect for all religions including Islam.
Conclusion –At his death in 1688 he left an empire big enough in power. Due to his noble qualities and heroic deeds this Saviour of the Hindu religion' will always be the source of inspiration for the people of India.
Your Favourite Heroine of Indian History (Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi)
1. Introduction,
2. Birth and parentage,
3. Early life and education,
4. Married life,
5. Fight against the British rule,
6. Qualities,
7. Conclusion.
Introduction –Indian history is full of the heroic deeds of great heroes and heroines. Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi was the most remarkable personality of her age. She was a great freedom fighter. She was the first woman to sacrifice her life for the freedom of the country.
Birth and parentage –She was born on November 1, 1835 in a noble family in Maharashtra. Her father's name was Moropanth and her mother's name was Bhagirathi. Her mother died when she was only a child. In her childhood, she was called "Manoo".
Early life and education –She was fond of horse riding and shooting. She was tall, strong and beautiful. Her father took keen interest in giving her the best education in every field of life. She was bold from the very beginning. Once she jumped from her own horse and saved the life of Nana Sahib.
Married life –She was married to Gangadhar Rao, the ruler of Jhansi. She became Maharani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi. During her married life, she took keen interest in military training. Damodar Rao was adopted as heir to the throne of Jhansi. Soon after, Raja Gangadhar Rao died.
Fight against the British rule –She was very brave and courageous. The English rulers wanted to capture Jhansi but it was a Herculean task to face the sword of Laxmi Bai. She fought bravely and defended her state from the foreigners. She lived and died while fighting for freedom.
Qualities –She had all the qualities of head and heart. She was a great patriot, fearless and brave. She was skilled in the use of sword. She was always ready to meet the challenge. She inspired Indian rulers against the cruelty of the British rule in India. She took an active part in the struggle for freedom in 1857 and sacrificed her life.
Conclusion – In short, Laxmi Bai was an incarnation of courage and bravery. She has left an immortal name after her. Her name and fame will ever inspire the freedom fighters.
Influence of Cinema on Indian Social Life
1. Introduction,
2. Different Views,
3. Use: (i) Means of recreation (ii) Educative and informative Value (iii) Social Value (iv) Means of propaganda
4. Evils (i) effects on public morals (it) increases crime,
5. Conclusion.
Introduction –
"A Film must reflect the basic truths of our day to day life. It should be the mirror of our social and moral activities."
The cinema has a very important place in modern life. It is the cheapest and the most popular form of amusement. In every large city, there are several cinema houses. They are mostly full. Young and old, men and women, all like to enjoy a picture.
Different Views – Different people have different views about the cinema. Young people think that cinema is a pleasure garden. The married couple thinks it is the best source of recreation. The old and the moralists dislike it. They think it as an evil.
The cinema is an important means of recreation. Men, women, old, young and children are equally interested in seeing films. After hard work in the day, a visit to a movie removes our dullness.
The cinema has also great educative value. Its share in shaping and educating the public mind in different branches of learning is certainly great. There are indeed many educational films. In the Western countries, the school-going children are taught many practical lessons in History, Geography, Botany, Chemistry and other branches of learning through them. In the same way, art, literature and religion can also be taught through the cinema. It is the best audio-visual aid.
The cinema has a great social value. It has become very popular. So it affects the society to a great extent. There are many social pictures which expose the evils of our society. They can greatly help to uproot social evils.
The cinema is also an important means of publicity and propaganda. We are living in the age of science. There is a rapid progress in trade and industry. Much of the development work in the country is shown through the cinema.
The cinema suffers from many evils. All the pictures are not educative. Some pictures are obscene. Regular seeing of films makes an adverse effect on our mind, health, purse and time. It weakens our eyes. It has effect on public morals.
The other evil of the cinema is that it increases crime. People learn from it new methods of committing crimes. The criminal films make an adverse effect on the young and undeveloped minds. Children learn many crimes from the films.
The standard of the Indian films is some what low. Modern films ignore high ideals and corrupt our taste. Every effort should be made to improve the quality of films. Greater attention should be given to enhance their educative value.
Your Aim of Life
The Ambition of Your Life
Your Plans for the Future
The Choice of a Profession
What Do You Propose after Completing Your Studies and Why?
The Profession You Intend to Enter and the Reasons for Your Choice
1. Introduction, 2. Need and factors for right choice, 3. My choice and reasons,
4. Conclusion.
Introduction – An aimless life is practically no life. A man without aim is like a ship without a rudder or an engine without steam. His ambition puts him into action. We must therefore have some definite aim in life that is, we must choose a profession. One who chooses no profession passes an unhappy life.
Need and factors for right choice –The right choice of a profession is very necessary. Right choice is the key to success in life. The question of choosing a profession was not very serious in the past. The son generally followed the profession of his father. It is not possible now. Times have changed. Talents and tastes differ. Every profession cannot suit everyone. So while choosing a profession, we should keep in mind the natural taste, physical fitness, opinion and guidance of teachers, elders and parents, economic condition of the family and the future prospects in the profession.
Everyone, no matter how rich or poor, old or young, intelligent or dull, dreams of a rich future life. Some wish to become leaders, some desire to achieve power over nature and some dream of high position. Keeping in mind the factors for right choice, I too, have my own ambition.
My choice and reasons – I wish to be a doctor. My choice is according to my taste and talent. My family traditions also go in favour of my choice. In this profession, there is a great field for service. The doctor is second to none for sick person. Secondly, this profession is an independent one. A doctor gives his time, energy and skill in curing the sick. From the very beginning I dreamed to serve the poor people of my town. This profession of my liking will give me enough chance for service. I want to be an ideal doctor. Some doctors care more for their gain and less for their patients. They dream of a bungalow. a car and other luxuries of life. I will keep away all such things from my mind. I shall not serve any hospital but will start a dispensary of my own. Kindness will be my motto. I shall give free medicine to the patients who are poor and needy. My aim will be a speedy recovery of my patients.
Conclusion – It is neither for money nor for high position that I wish to become a doctor. It is something nobler than these. It is my wish to serve my fellow beings. I am sure of success as a doctor. Sincerity and devotion will be my guiding factors. May God fulfil my aspirations.
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