Article on mobile phone in 150 words
Article on Mobile Phone A Boon or - Bane
The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people in the country. If used properly it can be a blessing but if misused it can prove to be a curse.
Mobile Phone - A Boon or Ban
Science has made the life very comfortable for human being. Civilisation started from the scratch. But today, men have everything within the reach of hands. Inventions of science are wonderful and useful. The invention of mobile phone is an appropriate example.
The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people of the century. If used properly, it can be a blessing but if misused, it can prove to be a curse.
Mobile phones are a boon because now that the internet can be accessed through cell phones, they have become a great source of information, entertainment and even monetary transactions. Besides being a tool of immediate communication, mobile phones are now a safety tool as well. Thanks to advancement in technology, friends and loved can be tracked down with the help of GPS installed on their phone.
Mobile phones, these days, are a state of the art, all-in-one multipurpose device, which can do multiple tasks at the same time. It can play music, calculate, take pictures and do many other things. One can send and receive messages in a matter of seconds thus, saving paper and cost of transportation.
However, if misused, mobile phones are truly a bane. Using mobile phones for a long time makes the user get addicted to it. Some consider it a major source of distraction especially for students.
Mobile phones also cause many health hazards. Radiation emitted by mobile phones can damage human brain cells and even lead to cancer.
Those listening to music in full volume, with the help of head/earphones are more prone to accidents than other because they are unable to hear the sound of the horn. It can also cause permanent deafness.
Mobile phones, now being equipped with camera, are sometimes used for immoral activities and later promoting them.
Mobile phones have the qualities, which can either make or break one's life. It is up to each individual how he or she wants to use it.
Article on mobile phone in 150 words
Mobile phone is a wonderful gift of science. It is a gift to society. It has revolutionized the world of communication. Now a man can have communication anywhere, anytime to anyone sitting thousands of kilometers away from him. Though a small instrument, it can perform big functions. The latest version of it offers many great facilities including music system, photography, internet, computer, etc. It is, in fact, an improved version of landline phone which has facilitated communication. Now we can talk whether we are in car, bus, train or aeroplane. Mobile phones have received overwhelming response from all across the world. Now everyone has a mobile phone. It is useful for all. A businessman uses it to keep in touch with his clients, customers, his workers and other associates affiliated to him. It has contributed to his business expansion. Even green grocer and plumber have a mobile phone. It helps them in their business dealings. Almost all the big cities are well-connected by the mobile phones. Even in remote villages mobile facility is available. Many big companies have come into this field. Severe competition among them has caused to a fall in the prices of the instrument and cost of the services as well. As a result, now even middle class and lower middle class people find it convenient to afford mobile. This has led to increase in ten density in India. Mobile phones is a boon for we humans as it makes our life easy. Rather than misusing it we should make optimum utilization of it for our benefit.
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