
Class 12 English board exam paper most imp letter/complaint letter

 Class 12 English board exam paper most imp letter

Board Exam paper most imp letter 

Write a letter to the Police Commissioner

Write a letter to the Executive Engineer

Write a letter to the District Magistrate

Write a letter to the Health Officer

Class 12 English board exam paper most imp letter,Board Exam paper most imp letter,Write a letter to the Police Commissioner,Write a letter to the Executive Engineer,Write a letter to the District Magistrate,Write a letter to the Health Officer,Write a letter to the Executive Engineer of the Jal Board about the water problems in your area.Write a letter to the District Magistrate (DM) complaining of the blowing of loudspeaker till late night, disturbing the neighbourhood in their sleep and studiesWrite a letter to the Police Commissioner of Agra about the rise in the criminal activities in the cityWrite a letter to the Health Officer complaining against insanitary conditions of the locality you live in.,Write a letter to the Health Officer complaining against insanitary conditions of the locality you live in.

नमस्कार मित्रों स्वागत है आपका हमारी वेबसाइटwww.Subhanshclasses.com में यदि आप गूगल पर सर्च कर रहे हैं class 12 English board exam paper most imp complaint letterतो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर आ गए हैं हम आपको आपके सभी टॉपिक पर लिखना शिखायेगे। यदि आप YouTube पर देखना चाहते हैं तो आप अपने यूट्यूब पर सर्च करे Subhansh classes वहा पर आपको हमारा चैनल मिल जायेगा, आप उसे जल्दी से subscribe कर लीजिए। हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल पर आपको पढाई से सम्बंधित सभी जानकारी दी जायेगी

 Write a letter to the Executive Engineer of the Jal Board about the water problems in your area.

 char bag Lucknow

21th May, 20XX

The Executive Engineer 

UP Jal Board

SK road, Lucknow

Subject Immediate repair of the water pipe and drinking water supply through tankers


For four days, not a drop of water has trickled from our taps because of the bursting of the main supply pipe due to digging for new telephone lines. There is no water to drink, to cook food or wash clothes and to bathe. We are forced to buy bottled water at exorbitant rates.

We regret that the UP Jal Board has been unable to repair a major damage to the underground water pipes. On behalf of the residents of Residents Welfare Association, I request you to make arrangements for the immediate repair of the damaged water pipes on a war footing.

Also, please press your tankers into service so that, we residents, can at least get drinking water.

Looking forward to getting a prompt response. 

                                        Yours faithfully

                                   Subhansh Classes

प्रश्न 2.

Write a letter to the District Magistrate (DM) complaining of the blowing of loudspeaker till late night, disturbing the neighbourhood in their sleep and studies.

26/14 Government colony

24th March, 20XX

The District Magistrate 

Hamirpur (UP)

Subject – Blowing of loudspeaker


I have the honour to invite your attention to the loudspeaker stoppage. Board and University Exams are in full swing and on the other hand, the loudspeakers begin to blare on the religious functions, marriage ceremony, birthday party or on some other celebrations. The blare of loudspeakers troubles the students and they cannot study properly.

I, therefore, request you to ban the use of loudspeakers during these days till the exams are over.

                                     Yours sincerely


3. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner of Agra about the rise in the criminal activities in the city.


 12/A Rampuram hamirpur

20th January, 20XX

The Commissioner of Police


Subject Increasing crime and violence in the city


With regret, I wish to draw your attention to the surprisingly poor law and order situation in the city.

The number of crimes, especially against women, has never been so high in the history of hamirpur. Everyday, we hear of burglary, murders, molestations, kidnapping and many other crimes, forcing us to believe that we are absolutely unsafe in this city.

Your department has initiated many reforms and measures to control crime. But, somehow the law has failed to abolish crime and punish criminals. With such a reputation, hamirpur will soon lose tourists also.

The information about tenants, servants etc. has to be maintained transparently and corruption and nepotism are to be shunned. Legal action against the criminals must be fast and strict.

I hope that you will take some concrete remedial measures to control this serious situation.

Hope for a fast action.

                                            Yours truly


4. Write a letter to the Health Officer complaining against insanitary conditions of the locality you live in.


 12/24 kanpur road Lucknow

26th March, 20XX

The Municipal Commissioner 

Lucknow (UP)

Subject – Insanitary conditions in our colony 

Respected Sir,

This is to bring to light the popular insanitary condition in the shyam nagar colony. Due to the irresponsibility of the authorities, the entire colony is facing a rodent problem. The population of rodents has been multiplying exposing the residents to multiple diseases.

Despite many requests to the Municipality, the sewers of the colony have not been cleaned for a very long time. Now, they have become the breeding ground for mosquitoes and rodents.

In the past, we have already witnessed a dangerous epidemic disease like plague and if the situation is not checked soon. the matters may become worse.

All this rodents and mosquitoes have made our lives very difficult. They get into our houses and nip at various items like electric wiring, clothes etc. Some residents are even planning to move out if the condition persists.

The problem can be easily dealt with by timely action, or we may face another epidemic. We would have no choice but to leave our homes if such unhygienic and dangerous conditions prevail. Hence, it is my plea to the concerned to take a note of the situation and take urgent action in this matter.

                                       Yours faithfully


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