
एमपी बोर्ड वार्षिक मूल्यांकन वर्कशीट 2022 कक्षा 7 अंग्रेजी का सम्पूर्ण हल

 mp board varshik mulyankan worksheet 2022 class 7 English paper full solutions

वार्षिक मूल्यांकन वर्कशीट 2022 कक्षा 7 अंग्रेजी पेपर का सम्पूर्ण हल

वार्षिक मूल्यांकन वर्कशीट 2021-22

कक्षा- 7

विषय- अंग्रेजी सामान्य

विद्यार्थी के लिए निर्देश- (निम्नांकित जानकारी अनिवार्यतः भरे और दिए गए स्थान में उत्तर लिखे।)

विद्यार्थी का नाम-

पिता का नाम -

शाला का नाम----------

महत्वपूर्ण निर्देश

● कौशल आधारित लिखित प्रश्न वर्कशीट में दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर वर्कशीट में प्रश्न के नीचे/आगे दिए स्थान में  निर्देशानुसार लिखे जाएं। 

•वर्कशीट में खण्ड 'अ' के अन्तर्गत पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर निर्धारित समय-सारणी अनुसार बच्चे द्वारा कक्षा में लिखें।

Section - A

Multiple Choice Questions (Q.1-10)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

The Olympic games are held after every four years. Athletes come from all countries and take part in the games. Many kinds of games, races and competitions are now a part of the Olympics. We in India are proud of our hockey. We had been the Olympic Champion in hockey till 1960, We lost the championship in Rome in 1960. But we won it back in Tokyo in 1964. Indians are among the best hockey players in the world. They are more skilful than most others. The Olympic victories of our players have brought honour to the nation. Hockey champions in the last Olympics played at Athens 2004 were, Australia in men's hockey and United States of America in women's hockey.

Choose the correct answer and write.

Q.1 Athletes who take part in the Olympics come from

(A) one country

(B) all countries

(C) a few countries

(D) selected countries


Q.2 Olympic games are held

(A) once in a year

(B)once in two years

(C) once in four years

 (D) once in five years


Q.3 We in India are proud of our

(A) chess


(C) hockey

(D) football


Q.4 Indians are among the best players of hockey because they are more.

(A) skilful

 (B) strong

(C) powerful 

(D) practised


Q.5 India lost championship in hockey for the first time

(A) in 1956

(C) in 1964

(B) in 1960

(D) in 1962


Q.6 What is this advertisement about?

 (A) It is about children.

(B) It is about a gift.

(C) it is about a children's magazine

 (D) It is about a newspaper.


Q.7 There are some pages in Firkee exclusively for ------- by the children

(A) advertisements

(B) articles 

(C) notices

(D) gifts


Q,8 How can one get Firkee magazine as a gift?

(A) by buying a Firkee magazine

(B) by writing a letter to the editor

 (C) by drawing a poster for Firkee

(D) by getting articles published in Firkee


Q.9 Articles written by children get published on My page. Which is the correct question for the above statement?

(A) Where do you find My Page?

 (B) Who publishes My Page?

(C) What is published on My Page?

(D) When is My Page published?


Q.10 Choose the opposite word for 'send' from the words given below. 

(A) receive 

(B) find

(C) buy

(D) want


Short Answer Type Questions (Q.11-20) 

Q.11 Where are the clouds seen in the sky?


Q.12 Why was Vinod surprised?


Q.13 How did the old man know that the camel was blind?


Q.14 Where did the Olympic games get their name from?


Q.15 When and where was Manu born?


Q.16 What goes from hand to hand?


Q.17 Why do they want to go to Dholpur?


Q.18. Why did Vinod decide to travel by an AC Coach?


Q.19 What caused Bobby to slow down in the middle of the race?


Q.20 Why did the children decide to stay together?


Long Answer Type Questions (Q.21-24)

Q.21 Write a letter to your friend inviting him to your birthday party.


Q.22. Write ten sentences on 'My Pet Animal'.

Q.23.Read the passage and answer the questions following questions.

 You know that bees hum. You also know that bees make honey. Some of you might have been stung by a bee, but do you know why bees hum, sting or dance ? On a warm summer morning you may see numerous bees humming around from flower to flower. They make trips to collect nectar and pollen. The nectar is the sugary syrup found at the bottom of the flower cup. The bees visiting a particular type of flower belong to the same hive. Like human beings, they can taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter things.

a) What do bees collect?


b) What is nectar?


c) Which bees belong to the same hive?


(d) what can bees do like human beings?


(e) give a suitable title to the passage.

Ans .

Q.24 match the world under column A with their opposite under column B and write.

    A                             B

Narrow                     foolish

Wise                        wide

First                          Sick

Strong                      last

Healthy                     weak


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👉👉👉महत्वपूर्ण पर्यायवाची और संस्कृत में अनुवाद

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ये भी देखे 👉👉👉👉

👉जनसंख्या वृद्धि 

ये भी पढ़ें

ये भी देखे 👉👉👉👉

👉जनसंख्या वृद्धि 

ये भी पढ़ें

भी देखें 👉👉भी👉👉

👉व्यायाम और स्वास्थ पर निबंध

ये भी देखे 👉👉👉👉

ये भी देखे 👉👉👉👉

👉वन महोत्सव पर निबंध

ये भी देखे 👉👉👉👉

👉जनसंख्या वृद्धि 


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